Egypt: Islamists take revenge on Egyptian Christians

Written by Super User 16 Aug 2013

Anti-Christian violence swept Egypt Wednesday in the bloodiest day yet of Egypt's revolution. World Watch Monitor reported, ‘Islamist protesters took out their anger Wednesday on government and dozens of]Christian buildings and homes.’ The Bible Society of Egypt reported 15 churches and three Christian schools being attacked, and two Christian bookshops completely destroyed by fire. Attacks by Islamist protestors recently forced Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II to cancel speaking engagements and prompted 16 human-rights groups to voice concern. On June 30th the President of Cairo’s Evangelical Theological Seminary said, ‘Previous regimes pushed the Church to give them support, by controlling Christians and calling them not to oppose standing regimes. This minimized the effectiveness of Christians, separating them from the rest of society and depriving them of the liberty to act independently according to their faith and conscience. Now we have learned our lesson and refuse to be a tool in the hand of any regime.’

Pray: for the Lord to protect Egypt, ask Him to give Church leaders special wisdom and unity, may they positively engage in this season of change and transformation. Pray against corruption, injustice and division that could damage communities. Pray for Egyptians across the country who are caught in a climate of fear and uncertainty. (Ps.1:6)



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