Egypt: Christian teenager killed for displaying cross

Written by Super User 16 Nov 2011

The Muslim teacher of Ayman Labib (17) told him to cover up a cross tattoo. Ayman refused, instead displaying another cross under his clothes. The infuriated teacher attacked Ayman with other students joining in. Ayman fled to the toilets where the assault continued, he died at the scene. After the teenager’s funeral over 5,000 Christians marched through the streets of Mallawi calling Ayman a ‘Martyr of the Cross.’ Two Muslim students were arrested. The senior investigating officer tried to influence witnesses to say the murder resulted from friction between students. The parents of other students didn’t allow their children to give statements to the police fearing harassment from school administration and the families of the two arrested boys. The head teacher has been suspended; two supervisors and two social workers who were on duty when Ayman died were referred to an investigation committee.

Pray: for justice. (Pr.21:15)




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