Egypt: A spiritual battle

Written by Super User 18 May 2011

Reports of Christians and Muslims working together guarding their neighborhoods during Egypts’ protests and violence, and an internet image of Christians linking hands to protect Muslims as they bowed in prayer, was remarkable in a country where Christians are often persecuted. Revolution gave Christians opportunities to share the Love of Jesus. However, Sheik Yusuf al-Qaraawi, Muslim Brotherhood (MB)leader called ‘Theologian of Terror’, returned from exile and addressing a vast crowd in Tahrir Square called for ‘war against Israel and a takeover of Jerusalem.’ Within weeks the MB have quickly formed a political party and some are saying they are now preparing to take control of Egypt without having to use force. The MB murdered Egyptian Prime Minister Nokrashi in 1948 and attempted to assonate President Nasser in 1954. President Sadat, ‘promised the Brothers shari’a would be implemented as the Egyptian law’ and released all Brotherhood prisoners. Then Sadat was assassinated by the MB after signing a peace treaty with Israel in 1979.

Pray: God’s intervention in these dangerous and confusing situations, for Egypt, Sudan and Gaza Strip to be protected from their manipulation and control. (Ps.92:9)


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