Cuba: Calls for greater ecumenical partnerships

Written by Super User 08 Jun 2012

The newly elected president of the Council of Churches in Cuba (CIC) says he believes Pentecostal and historic churches can work together ‘because God calls us to be God's people.’ The Rev Joel Ortega Dopico, of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, called on the leaders of the churches to take advantage of the moment to think about social, ecclesiastical and ecumenical projects, ‘for what we lack to be able to come together as a Cuban family.’ In his sermon at the Council's assembly where the new leadership of CIC was installed, Ortega referred to the encounter of the rich man with Jesus and pointed out the need for a greater commitment to the cause of the Kingdom of God. 'It is a Biblical narrative of hope', he said, because it allows Pentecostal and historic churches to be united, past and present generations to meet together, as well as believers and non-believers.

Pray: for the churches of Cuba to draw closer together in unity building the Kingdom of God. (Jn.17:20-22)


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