China: Support for Chen Guangcheng

Written by Super User 08 May 2012

An open letter from Women's Rights Without Frontiers has been sent to President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton and Ambassador Locke, on Behalf of Chen Guangcheng stating, ‘The American people and the people of the world cry out for freedom for Chen Guangcheng. If you deliver him back into the hands of the Chinese Communist Party, he will no doubt be imprisoned, tortured, possibly killed. Would you use this noble man as a bargaining chip in trade talks? To do so would be to sell the soul of our nation.’ Chen is an activist for the lives of women and babies in China; a man of inconceivable bravery. Poor, blind, beaten and detained, he stands alone against the crushing brutality of the communist regime’s One Child Policy. The women of China have suffered the torture of forced abortion and involuntary sterilization at the hands of the Chinese population control machine for thirty-two years.

Pray: as Secretary Clinton travels to Beijing next week - may she speak out on the world stage for Chen and women's rights. (Ps.12:5)


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