China: Police raid Christmas Eve service

Written by Super User 12 Jan 2011

Police raided a house church Christmas Eve service in the south-western city of Chengdu on Friday night, taking into custody 17 believers, including one pregnant woman, sources told ChinaAid. Wang Yi, an elder of the Autumn Rain Church in Chengdu, Sichuan province, was taken to the local Caoshi Road police station, while the other brothers and sisters, as well as one non-Christian ‘seeker,’ were interrogated inside a police vehicle belonging to the Jinjiang sub-bureau. ChinaAid Association condemns the Chengdu authorities for their illegal raid on the Autumn Rain Church and for the totally superfluous act of taking church members into custody. It expresses its great respect to Wang, the other believers and the non-Christian ‘seeker’. By suffering persecution for the sake of your faith on Christmas Eve, you have truly lived out the real meaning of Christmas.

Pray: for the Church as it faces ongoing challenges against meeting together. (Heb.10:25)


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