China: Authorities raid Christian's home

Written by Super User 18 Nov 2010

Approximately 10 police officials raided the home of a Christian in Beijing searching for Hua Huiqi, a formerly imprisoned pastor. Every room in the house was ransacked, including a bedroom belonging to a child. The officials questioned the homeowner about intentions to meet with foreigners later that evening. In response to the incident the owner later spoke these powerful words: ‘Because the Beijing police have crossed the line, and have blatantly and continually abused the basic rights of my entire family, I hereby announce that today I will begin to continually fast and pray. I will pray to the Lord to bless China and to fill it with righteousness! I also request, brothers and sisters, that you pray for me and my family, and that God may grant us freedom from fear!.’ Prayer Alert office asks you to spread the news of this article so that many Christians will stand with Hua Huiqi for China.

Pray: that Hua Huiqi will not give in to fear and for other Christians facing opposition in China to remain confident in Christ. (1 Pe.3:14-17)

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