China: Appeals for help from religious groups

Written by Super User 18 May 2010

The officially atheist Chinese government requested religious groups and people of faith to help with the rebuilding efforts in a northwest province ravaged by a 7.1-magnitude earthquake on April 14. In an open letter posted on its official Government website China asked the religious community to donate towards reconstruction in the Tibetan area of Yushu in Qinghai Province. The religious community has already donated over 86.9 million yuan, $12.7 million, for the quake-hit area. The Chinese hope Christian leaders and individual believers can make further donations. The letter also expressed appreciation for the prayers and immediate relief from religious organizations when at least 2,220 people were killed, over 12,000 injured and 100,000 left homeless. World Vision, Caritas Internationalis, ACT Alliance, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Catholic Relief Services responded to the needs and are still there distributing aid. In recent years China has been more receptive to religion in society despite problems with religious freedom.

Pray: for more safe avenues of Christian activity in China and for many to step into open Christian witness as God alters the spirit over the nation. (Ro.10:14-15)


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