China: 4th week of Church arrests

Written by Super User 11 May 2011

A Chinese ‘illegal’ church refused to follow government orders not to meet in a public square. (See Prayer Alert 16-2011). This week over 31 of its members were arrested, and again, reporters were blocked from the site. The arrests of Beijing's Shouwang Church members came after clergy said they would not buckle to Communist Party pressure. Over 160 were arrested the first week they met outdoors, 50 were arrested the second week and approximately 40 on Easter Sunday. The declining number of arrests is due to many members being under house arrest. On Easter Sunday, over 500 Christians including every church staff member, lay leader and choir member were under house arrest. The church is attempting to meet outdoors because the government blocked all attempts by the church to rent or purchase a building. Members say failing to come together and worship would be an abandonment of biblical commands.

Pray: that God would enable the church to fulfil His purposes in the area that he has placed them and be strengthened in the face of all opposition. (Eph.2:10 & Rev.3:11)


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