China: 'Jasmine' blogger arrested

Written by Super User 06 Apr 2011

A Christian activist in Sichuan who is a friend of the arrested man said that ‘Ran Yunfei is a writer and literature magazine editor from Sichuan who was detained without charge for over a month as unrest rippled across the Middle East. Later he was formally charged for inciting subversion of state power. Ran is a prominent writer and his arrest for challenging the Communist Party is the latest in a string of crackdowns on dissent. The 46-yearold was detained as many online calls for similar ‘Jasmine Revolution’ protests in mainland China spread. His arrest was described by friends as ‘the crime of expressing your opinions, and in this case the prosecutors will probably use essays that Ran has published on the Internet.’ The charge against Ran of inciting subversion was also used to jail Liu Xiaobo, the dissident who won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Pray: for God's peace and comfort to the dozens of lawyers, bloggers and ‘dissidents’ in Beijing's harsh prisons. (Ps.140:4)



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