Canada:30th April election prayers

Written by Super User 16 Apr 2011

Over 100 churches, networks and prayer ministries across Canada are joining forces to pray on April 30th for a righteous outcome of the May 2nd elections. Many cities and communities are expected to meet together for inter-denominational prayer throughout the day, culminating in an evening of worship and celebration to exalt Jesus as Lord over Canada. We are invited to intercede with Canada in the run up to the elections and pray that the national media will report from an unbiased and non-partisan way and that any personal opinions of those reporting would be down-played. - Also that the coming public debates this Tuesday (English) and Thursday (French) will be presented in a fair and orderly way and not be used for personal attacks. - for repentance where Christians have walked in compromise with the world's values or have been too dependent on our Government to raise the moral standard in Canada.

Pray: for a strong and stable government to bring effective leadership and navigate a secure course for the future. (Heb.12:1,2)


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