Burma: New restrictions on religious activity

Written by Super User 16 Nov 2011

Christian Solidarity Worldwide reported, ‘Kachin State sent a letter to local churches, ‘concerning Christians conducting cultural training,’ requiring Christians in Phakant Township to submit a request at least 15 days in advance for permission to conduct ‘short-term Bible study, Bible study, Sunday school, reading the Bible, fasting prayer, Seasonal Bible study and Rosary of the Virgin Mary Prayer.’ CSW said a request for permission must be accompanied by recommendations from other departments and submitted to the Township Administration Office. Meanwhile because Burma’s health spending is less than $5 dollars per person the Anglican Church has recruited hundreds of volunteer health workers to be sent to rural communities to provide education particularly pertaining to HIV (a subject that is taboo in Burma.)

Pray: for the Lord to bring about a change amongst Burmese leaders in attitude towards religious minorities. (Pr.21:1)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/new.restrictions.on.religious.activity.in.burmas.kachin.state/28850.htm

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