Burma: 'Prayer is the air we breathe'

Written by Super User 14 Mar 2011

While global attention remains focused on uprisings in the Middle East, Christians around the world on Sunday, March 13, will be praying for the country of Burma, also known as Myanmar. Burma's military regime has committed just about every human rights atrocity imaginable against ethnic minorities and Christians. Government attacks during the past 18 months have caused more than 100,000 ethnic Chin Christians to flee to neighbouring India. Overall, an estimated 200,000 ethnic Burmese are living in refugee camps. More than one million are internally displaced. Missionary David Eubank met pro-democracy leader and Nobel Peace prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi in 1996. Her request? She asked him to pray for Burma. In response, Eubank started an annual global day of prayer for the nation the following year, and founded a humanitarian relief group called the Free Burma Rangers. 'Most of our people are believers and our job is to give immediate help' he said.

Pray: for the people of Burma that God would intervene and bring freedom for all people. (Is.59:1)

More: http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2011/March/Free-Burma-Prayer-is-the-Air-We-Breathe/

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