Brazil: Protests catch authorities on the back foot

Written by Super User 20 Jun 2013

On June 13th the NY Times reported, ‘Protests by an increasingly forceful movement against increases in bus fares shook Brazil’s two largest cities on Thursday night, the fourth time in a week that activists have taken to the streets in demonstrations that have been marked by clashes with security forces.’ Since then the violence has steadily worsened to encompass more than 100,000 people sweeping through at least a dozen major cities on Monday night. Protesters are calling for better public services and an end to corruption. With organisers planning further protests the authorities appear to be uncertain what to do next. Police in some regions cracked down hard.

Pray: for President Dilma Rousseff to recognize what steps to take in addressing corruption, and ending the demonstrations peacefully. (Ps.17:19-20)


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