Botswana: South African outreach

Written by Super User 23 Jun 2011

A month of outreach by South African Christians in areas where ancestral spirit worship is very strong has been blessed with 2,600 people giving their lives to Christ. Praise God! The organisers of this outreach have asked for prayer for the new Christians needing discipling to know the leading of God's Holy Spirit. Pray also for the local churches working under very difficult circumstances with no regular financial income, some without transport walking long distances between villages to do follow-up visits to cattle posts and small hamlets. They are doing this because they believe and know that there is eternal life after death and they want to guide and teach their people about these things. Pray for God to give them the courage and endurance to continue working in the Lord’s harvest field.

Pray: for Africa's most stable country with relative freedom from corruption and good human rights records would see powerful spiritual revival. (Is.44:2-4)


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