Bhutan: Christian imprisoned for film show

Written by Super User 23 Oct 2010

A court in predominantly Buddhist Bhutan sentenced Prem Singh Gurung, a 40-year-old ethnic Nepalese Christian, to three years in prison for ‘attempting to promote civil unrest’ by screening films on Christianity. Gurung was arrested after neighbours complained he was inviting villagers to watch Nepali movies, then between each feature he showed films on Christianity. Government attorneys could not prove that Gurung promoted civil unrest so he was charged with an attempt to promote civil unrest, and violation of a Bhutan law requiring authorities to examine all films before public screening. While Gurung has the right to appeal it is unclear if he had the resources to take that course. Over 75 per-cent of the people in Bhutan are Buddhist. In the south of Bhutan there are 6,000 Bhutanese Christians. In this landlocked nation between India and China Christians are not officially acknowledged. No Christian institution is officially registered and believers practice their faith in their homes.

Pray: for Christians and house churches to be strengthened and for Christian material to be available through the media networks. (Ps.18:6)


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