Australia: Low income families suffer as winter takes hold

Written by Super User 02 Jun 2011

A report from Anglicare Victoria shows 25% of emergency relief clients cannot afford prescription medication, ½ cannot afford dental treatment and one in five are too poor to eat a good meal once a day. The 2011 Hardship Survey gives a graphic insight into the daily challenges facing low income families. 55% had an ongoing disability or medical condition but ¼ could not afford to buy medicine prescribed by physicians. Other unaffordable items included no home contents insurance or comprehensive car insurance leaving them vulnerable in cases of robberies or accidents. Families and individuals are pushed to the edge week in and week out and are just a sickness or car accident away from crippling financial debt they may never recover from. In the wake of recent fires and floods in Australia many emergency relief clients are in a debt spiral and unable to make ends meet.

Pray: for all receiving emergency relief to be able to cope and to come to know God and His provision for their future. (Tit.3:4-5)



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