Australia: Conference hears ‘Australia at war with radical Islam’

Written by Super User 03 Dec 2013

A hardline Islamic group Hzb at-Tahrir, said the Australian government was trying to ‘brainwash’ their children and that they should resist any attempts to water down their strict view of Islam. ‘The government is playing a dirty game,’ Wassim Doureihi told a 600-strong audience in Sydney. The group launched a 124-page report on what it sees as Australian government attempts to divide the Muslim community into extremists and moderates. ‘The fundamental objective of these policies is to change Islam, to secularise Islam, to produce a so-called 'moderate Islam' - a state-sanctioned version of Islam that is secular, politically impotent and localised.’ Mr Doureihi warned the audience of ‘a war that is being waged on Islam in Australia as it is in the rest of the world.’ A Fellow speaker said the Australian government had arrogantly assumed that because Muslim youth went to their schools and watch their TV shows they would adopt Australian values. See also:

Pray: against Hizb ut-Tahrir and their attempts with other groups to instil global sharia law. (Is.17:13)


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