Arab Spring: Christian challenges

Written by Super User 22 Jun 2012

Christians in the Arab Spring counties face many different challenges as their societies take on new values and viewpoints. Egyptian Christians are bracing themselves for increased persecution, but are making the most of what they see as a ‘window of opportunity’ before the new regime is fully established. Libyan Christians with a Muslim background have been forced to worship in secret in recent months and we are asked to pray for God to reveal to them His ‘plans of hope’ (Jer. 29:11). Syrian Christians have been kidnapped and murdered since the anti-government unrest began, and in Tunisia it was recently reported that a Muslim background Christian was beheaded for converting to Christianity, see: As the Arab Spring moves into a new season may Christian values of love and justice be reflected in the societies emerging from political upheaval.

Pray: that church leaders will seek and be guided by the Holy Spirit, and know to how to lead their congregations in such a time as this(Est. 4:14)


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