Africa/Asia/Europe: Floods and mudslides on three continents

Written by Super User 14 Aug 2010

Sometimes areas hit by one extreme soon receive another blow. In Niger five thousand people lost their homes and crops when the River Niger burst its banks last weekend. They are already suffering from severe food shortages caused by recent drought. UN officials have warned 20,000 people are at risk of displacement in the event of further heavy rains. See In China rescuers are pulling bodies out of mudslides which has so far killed more than 1,100 people and that number is increasing daily as more bodies are carried out on stretchers. People have been assigned to disinfect the areas where human corpses, and dead animals are a concern. See: Southern Poland suffered its worst flooding in decades when heavy rains engorged rivers sending torrents of water through Bogatynia in south-west Poland and Görlitz in eastern Germany in May.

Pray: for God to look down from heaven and see and hear: and send labourers to minister to physical and spiritual needs so that many are found by the Lord. (Ps.80:19)


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