Afghanistan: US talks with Taliban

Written by Super User 26 Jan 2012

Yusuf al-Qaradawi, an Islamist scholar who asked his followers to back Jihadist groups in Jammu and Kashmir, is a key mediator in secret talks between the US and the Taliban according to government sources. See In 2009, Mr al-Qaradawi issued a fatwa declaring that ‘the Kashmiris were correctly fighting jihad against the Indian army,’ arguing, ‘The jihad was legitimate since mujahideen groups sought to create an Islamic state and it was incumbent on all Muslims to help Kashmiris gain their ‘freedom from Indian aggression.’ Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi is currently the Muslim Brotherhood's leading speaker and is still urging that Islam must dominate the world under a global caliphate governed by sharia. He maintains that Islam ‘will conquer Europe and will conquer America. Some are saying the Afghanistan war is unpopular and President Obama wants to run for re-election next November saying he ‘ended two wars.

Pray: that God will keep His Sovereign Hand over all political dealings in and about Afghanistan. Pray for the emergence, establishment and protection of the Afghan Church in Afghanistan. (see this week’s praise item) (Ps.41:1-2)


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