Afghanistan: Taliban open door to peace talks

Written by Super User 20 Jun 2013

The Taliban set the stage for peace talks with envoys of President Hamid Kharzai and the US, establishing a venue and an opening to the Afghan leadership just hours after Kabul took over nationwide security responsibilities. US Taliban discussions in Qatar on Thursday follow the Taliban opening a political office on Tuesday in Doha and making a gesture toward renouncing links to international terrorism. Until now the Taliban have publicly refused to negotiate with Kabul's representatives, dismissing Mr. Kharzai as an American ‘puppet.’ On Tuesday the insurgent group said its representatives in Doha would meet Afghans ‘in due appropriate time.’ The Taliban announced the office opening (the result of lengthy behind-the-scenes negotiations involving the US, Pakistan, Mr. Kharzai and Qatar) shortly after the US-led coalition formally transferred the security lead to Afghan forces. The coalition will now shift to a support and advisory role.

Pray: for this important step toward reconciliation to move forward without cultural, constitutional, political or religious hindrances. Pray for an end to verbal and physical warfare. (Ac.2:40)


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