Afghanistan: Refugees in Pakistan

Written by Super User 09 Aug 2012

Pakistan faces international pressure to extend the stay of Afghan refugees beyond 31st December. The Pakistan Government’s response is, ‘When their refugee status expires on December 31st they must leave.’ Pakistan intends to expel 3 million Afghans, 1.7 million of them registered and more than half of these living in camps. Most refugees have lived in Pakistan for more than 30 years, and have nothing to return to; their homes, lands and businesses have been destroyed by war or taken by others. Although they live in extreme poverty they would have even less in their native land. Bukahri, an Afghan tribal elder who has been in Pakistan for 30 years running an electrical shop and doing social work said, ‘I'm not saying we won't go, but at this point in time, Afghanistan is weak and will not be able to take this burden.’

Pray: for Afghanistan to prepare for this influx and for many to have homes land and businesses restored. Pray also for refugees to be introduced to the One who is their shield and provider. (Ps.18:36)



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