Afghanistan: Looking ahead

Written by Super User 03 Jan 2013

The Church is growing as local believers are added one by one and in small groups. Some are secret and pray alone, others gather for worship, to pray and receive teaching in small groups. All local believers are at risk of exposure and harm from family members, friends and neighbours. Many are asking, or are uncertain about what will happen in 2014 when officially all foreign troops pull out of Afghanistan - and a mission agency is asking Christians to prayerfully consider interceding throughout 2013 leading up to the 2014 deadline and in particularl to pray for one of the largest un-reached tribal group in the world - the Pushtun people. They have an important regional significance being well-known for their involvement in militancy over the last years and for their hospitality to other affiliated groups. There has been little penetration with the Good News despite many years of work and much sacrifice on the part of workers.

Pray: that believers become salt and light across Afghanistan as they find others they can trust to share in worship, prayer and teaching. Ask God to protect and provide for local believers during 2013. (1Sa.25:6)



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