10/40 Window: Reaction to Bin Laden’s death

Written by Super User 11 May 2011

After bin Laden’s death a western government issued a global travel warning, followers of bin Laden burned American flags in Pakistan and Muslim hate preachers, such as Anjem Choudary called for attacks and retaliation. International leaders warn, ‘extremist Muslims’ could respond to bin Laden's death with violence.’ We can cry out to God for peace in Pakistan and other Muslim-majority nations asking the Prince of Peace to move in power in these regions; interceding for protection of Christian’s from backlash and retaliation (Ps.91:1-6); praying that inciting words of imams and hate preachers will have no effect, but rather the salvation of those stirring up trouble and for the salvation of key members of terrorists groups like al-Qaeda. (ITim.2:1-4) We can pray for terrorist groups to be exposed, taken into custody and brought to justice, and for their funding to be cut off and for recruiting efforts to fail. (Ps.35:5,6)

Pray: for Jesus to give world leaders wisdom in dealing with this event and the threat of violence. (Pr. 2:7)

More: http://win1040.com/blog/2011/05/03/reaction-to-bin-ladens-death/


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