Morocco: aid response

Written by David Fletcher 14 Sep 2023
Morocco: aid response

After the earthquake rattled through Morocco, Help The Persecuted’s field ministry team mobilised immediately into the mountains to meet the overwhelming need. What they found shocked them. Most homes have been flattened to rubble. Roads are completely destroyed, cutting the most remote areas off from any sort of aid. Those fortunate enough to have survived are completely traumatised and in desperate need of food, water, intensive medical care, and shelter. The team distributed funds and basic relief supplies to those who had lost everything, praying with each recipient. They aided in rescuing some from the rubble. They are making lists of key supplies, hoping to provide survivors in the most remote areas with all they need to survive the coming days and weeks. The devastation goes much deeper than tangible need. These people watched their family members die before their eyes and could do absolutely nothing. Missionaries listened to their sufferings and prayed with them, but they will need so much more care.

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  • Pray: for God to minister emotional and spiritual healing to the lives of an already vulnerable population of persecuted Christians and the countless lost souls they live amongst. (Philippians 4:6)