China: Journalists need justice

Written by Super User 20 Jan 2023
China: Journalists need justice

A wave of advocacy has built in the UK through December and January after Beijing denied Jimmy Lai—who holds UK citizenship—access to his preferred legal counsel. In late December, seven UK-based Hong Kong advocacy groups called on London to sanction officials for targeting Lai. Lai’s legal team wrote to Rishi Sunak requesting a meeting to discuss securing Lai’s release. On January 10 a Foreign Office minister met the team. Two days later the Frontline Club, a press membership group, held a London event that included Lai’s son and the head of his international legal team. Pray for Jimmy Lai’s immediate release. Pray also for two freelance journalists in prison for covering pro-democracy protests following late 2022 rulings. Tang Cheuk-yu was jailed for having an ‘offensive weapon’ in a public place. Choy Kin-yue for an unlawful assembly conviction.

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