Venezuela's Christians urge prayer as crisis worsens

Written by David Fletcher 25 Jan 2019
Venezuela's Christians urge prayer as crisis worsens

On 24 January Venezuela’s opposition leader Juan Guaidó swore himself in as the rightful head of state, with the support of the USA and other nations in the region, as he attempts to remove President Maduro. He now faces the daunting task of establishing a transition plan without control over crucial state institutions and armed forces that have, so far, disowned him. Venezuela's churches have called for prayer as pressure mounts on Maduro to step down. Mass demonstrations against the economic mismanagement that has caused widespread poverty have been taking place. Pastor Samuel Olson, president of the Evangelical Council of Venezuela (ECV), invited the nation to pray 'together as a family, asking God that through His Holy Spirit He would care for, direct, and bless our nation in this critical hour of its history'. ECV are backing Juan Guaidó as the man 'called to conduct the nation in this period of transition'. See also

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