Thailand: slavery in the seafood industry

Written by David Fletcher 26 Jan 2018
Thailand: slavery in the seafood industry

Thailand is the third largest seafood exporter in the world. The industry relies heavily on trafficked and forced labour on unlicensed vessels. Many victims are from Cambodia, Laos and Burma. Beatings and starvation are commonplace. The Thai government claims it is regulating the fishing industry more tightly, yet slavery persists. The International Justice Mission (IJM) works with other bodies to rescue victims trafficked into Thailand’s fishing industry, and creates individualised care plans to meet survivors’ physical, psychological and emotional needs so that they can thrive in freedom. IJM requests prayer for favour and wisdom as the team builds relationships with police and prosecutors in both Thailand and Cambodia (where many of the traffickers target victims).

Additional Info

  • Pray: for traffickers, recruiters and boat owners to be discovered and prosecuted. May God release more workers into freeing modern-day slaves. (Deuteronomy 27:19)