A pastor in Turkey has asked for prayer after a bomb blast at a wedding party in the south-east of the country killed 54 people and injured 100 more last Saturday. Josh Wentz, pastor at Batikent…
The floodwaters in Louisiana are beginning to recede, revealing thousands of homes and businesses destroyed by over 2 feet of rain in 2 days. More than 20,000 were rescued. Churches not swallowed up by water opened…
World Help has announced that it is delivering emergency supplies of basic food and bedding for Syrians trapped in war-ravaged Aleppo. The aid convoy will be a ‘first-step’ response to the crisis in the city. They…
As reported in article 3 above, an IS child suicide bomber killed at least 54 at a Kurdish wedding party in Turkey. He was aged between 12 and 14. Turkish authorities said that a destroyed suicide…
Last week Israeli defence minister Liberman unveiled a plan to contend with Palestinian terrorism. The main points were to find alternative civilian leadership to replace Palestinian president Abbas, and to map towns and villages throughout the…
Alex Ribeiro, the former Brazilian F1 driver, has just written a book translated into English called ‘Power to Win’. It is full of testimonies of God’s work amongst prominent Brazilian athletes, and brings a powerful Gospel…