Scripture and the Church’s history give us many examples of the great impact when a whole community undertakes prayer and fasting together. All Christians everywhere are invited to unite for a month of prayer and fasting…
UNESCO, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, at its executive board meeting in Paris passed a Palestinian-backed measure with 24 votes in favour, 6 against and 26 abstentions, referring to the Temple Mount as Al…
Since 1987 more than 1,300 people in Pakistan have been charged with blasphemy, with the number of accusations in a single year rising to over a hundred in 2014. A disproportionate number of those accused are…
Low numbers of young people voting in the recent general election (7 October) reflect their lack of interest in the country’s politics. Unusually for the Arab world, Moroccan elections have the merit of not being entirely…
Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos is a Christian orphanage, nurturing vulnerable children in family environments. One worker writes, ‘Finally the winds have eased and we can move about. So many stories of devastation after the hurricane. Houses gone,…
In Azerbaijan, investigative journalist, former political prisoner, and Radio Free Europe contributor Khadija Ismayilova told a US congressional hearing of the harsh conditions faced by journalists who report on high-level corruption, saying, ‘There are no laws…