Qatar is accused by her Gulf neighbours of destabilising the region, and some nations have cut diplomatic ties (see Prayer Alert article ). The ramifications of escalating tensions are yet to be fully determined. Qatar is…
India's politics are complicated by caste, racial and religious prejudices, and cultural identity. The constitution outlawed the caste system, but it is very much alive. It also guarantees religious freedom, but increasing persecution threatens that liberty.…
An Egyptian blogger writes: ‘Lack of parking spots used to be one of the few concerns on Cairo streets, but there’s a different perspective now. Families used to go to church together to celebrate; now they…
Historical Christian legacies are unprotected and are being demolished almost daily, due to IS's aim of removing all signs of Christianity and Christian history. Apart from Syria and Iraq, there is no other country like Iran…
Africa's Sahara desert is increasingly encroaching upon traditional farmlands. Muslim Fulani herdsmen, the largest nomadic tribe in Africa, are desperate for grazing land and water for their cattle, but farmers can't tolerate their crops being eaten,…
Donald Trump ordered a ballistic missile drill with South Korea on 5 July, firing missiles north in response to North Korea's launching a test ballistic missile, which could reach Alaska, the previous day. At the G20…