Thousands of missionaries worldwide depend on our prayers for strength. Afghanistan is just one of the nations where people groups have not yet heard about Jesus Christ. Cultural traditions that have survived centuries of invasion are…
It is called the largest mass poisoning in history. Wells drilled in the Indian subcontinent in the 1970s exposed millions to arsenic leaching into their drinking water from surrounding rocks and soil; this has caused skin…
The Commission on International Religious Freedom has issued a report on blasphemy laws globally. The five worst-scoring nations are Iran, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Qatar, while 71 of the world's 195 countries penalties ranging from fines…
CBN News joined 46 Christians from Russia going to remote Mongolian provinces where few have heard of Christ's love. 17-year-old Alena Barsokov said, ‘What I am attempting to do is raise a new generation of Russian…
On 6 August Patriarch Louis Sako, head of the Chaldean Catholic church, called on Iraqi Christians to unite under one banner and work past their various political affiliations and differing doctrines. In his statement, issued after…
Each year, two to three million Muslims complete the Hajj to Mecca. Those who have done so add the title ‘hajji’ to their names. Jesus told people, ‘Your sins are forgiven.’ The same desire for forgiveness…