The BBC has exposed evidence of widespread abuse and torture by TB Joshua, the founder of one of the world's largest Christian evangelical churches, the Synagogue Church of All Nations. The two-year investigation revealed multiple eyewitness…
South Africa has appealed to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to force Israel to ‘immediately suspend’ its military operations in Gaza. While acknowledging the ‘particular weight of responsibility’ of accusing Israel of genocide, Pretoria has…
On 9 January, the US and UK navies intercepted 21 drones and missiles fired in the southern Red Sea by Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi rebels - their 26th attack on global maritime trade routes within the past…
Violence erupted in PNG's capital, Port Moresby, on 10 January, after police went on strike due to pay issues. The governor, as looting and fires engulfed the city, called the situation unprecedented in the country's history.…
2024 will see the most extensive year of elections ever, with 4.2 billion people in 76 countries set to vote. However, the state of democracy appears precarious; global reports show it contracting, accompanied by widespread disillusionment,…
Scenes of devastation emerged along Japan’s western coast as rescuers raced to save residents trapped in the rubble of a 7.5 magnitude earthquake on 1 January which triggered multiple aftershocks and killed dozens of people. Buildings…