Evangelicals believe the ‘evangel’ or Good News brings salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Nearly 10% of the world’s population are now evangelical believers. About 33% of the world’s population identify themselves as Christian. Out of…
For the first time in recorded history, Mozambique has been hit by two cyclones in one season. Category 4 Kenneth arrived six weeks after Idai killed 600+ people with flooding. Kenneth killed at least 41 people…
Motorcycle gunmen, suspected to be Islamist militants, sprayed bullets at Christians attending a church service in Burkina Faso, killing a pastor and at least four others, according to local reports. A further two Christians are said…
29 April was a day of chaos and violence after opposition leader Juan Guaidó called for a military uprising in Caracas and urged supporters to take to the streets to force his rival Nicolás Maduro from…
Now that a federal election has been called, Australian Prayer Network has initiated a season of prayer which will last up to and including the eve of the elections, on 18 May. Churches are encouraged to…
Mercy Corps posted on their twitter account, ‘It is with great sorrow that we share heartbreaking news: Faye Mooney, our communication specialist in Nigeria, was killed in an attack in Kaduna state on Good Friday. Our…