Displaying items by tag: United Kingdom

Friday, 11 May 2018 10:30

Christians in parliament May-June

Between 8 May and 12 June those attending parliament’s weekly chapel services will be looking at the gospel of John and the different stories of ‘Encounters with Jesus’. Please pray for the speakers as they prepare. Pray for increasing numbers of parliamentarians and staff to attend regularly, be inspired to invite others and be strengthened in their faith. There are several Bible study groups meeting every week; pray that the members of all these groups will continue to grow in their love for Jesus and be better equipped to live out their faith in Parliament. Pray and thank God for the new Wednesday Bible study group, now firmly established with a committed core group attending regularly. Also please pray for the preparations for the national parliamentary prayer breakfast on 19 June, with the topic ‘What can Christianity offer our society in the 21st century?’

Published in British Isles

Sally, now 20, believes her mental distress should have been spotted years before she received treatment that helped her. She says she became ill when she first started secondary school. Teachers noticed, describing her as ‘an odd child’, but in the end Sally had to ask her doctor for help herself. She was 16 and on the edge of suicide before she got any effective treatment. The charity Young Minds says it is not uncommon for families to have to wait 18 months even to get an assessment for their child, let alone treatment. In December, the government announced plans to overhaul children's mental health care in England, with proposals limiting waiting time to four weeks and allowing children to access mental health support in schools. Now a report from MPs has branded the strategy ‘unambitious’, providing no help to most of the children who need it. But ministers reject this suggestion, saying their proposals will transform the system.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 04 May 2018 11:29

Global wave of prayer 10 - 20 May

Thy Kingdom Come 2018 will see thousands around the world, praying for friends, neighbours, colleagues and workmates to come to know Jesus Christ. Churches, chaplaincies, prayer houses, 24/7 prayer rooms and schools are using a range of fresh ideas from the Thy Kingdom Come website. It also has ideas for retreats, special events, booklets, posters, bands etc. to be used throughout the ten day event, plus inspirational videos and blogs on topics including how to pray for others, how to get started in prayer, and encouraging others in prayer. Pray for many more individuals and groups to be involved this year. Pray for the planning of events across the UK and farther afield. Pray for all the preparation that will take place after the planning. Most of all pray that millions will do whatever they hear God telling them to do.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 04 May 2018 11:25

Intercessor Focus: Government challenges

The Financial times recently asked what Sajid Javid’s becoming home secretary means for Brexit. Some suggest that his appointment on Monday, Tuesday’s Lords vote preventing a ‘no deal walk away’, and Wednesday’s customs union defeat (see next article) create additional challenges for our Prime Minister and her government at this strategic time. Pray for God to strengthen, clarify and bless every communication, written and spoken, between London, Ireland and Europe. May confusion in departments be replaced with precise fact finding, mistrust replaced with confident expectations, turmoil replaced with peace, and God to strengthen all who are weary from heavy workloads. Ask God to exchange blame strategies for honest appraisal where it’s due and inaccuracies for wise revisions, and inject integrity into current circumstances.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 04 May 2018 11:23

New home secretary and customs union plans

A crisis Cabinet meeting failed to back Theresa May's plan for a ‘customs partnership’ with Brussels. Key Brexit sub-committee members tried to thrash out a model for the UK's future trade links with Brussels in two hours of tense discussions that ended in deadlock. Insiders said that Sajid Javid had been instrumental in rejecting her plan. Mrs May ordered ministers and officials to carry out ‘further work’ on two options and return with revised proposals at a later date. Whitehall sources reported that six ministers oppose her option and want a looser customs arrangement with Brussels. Boris Johnson urged Mrs May to stick to the principles of her keynote speech at the Mansion House earlier this year which clearly stated that Britain would not form any customs union with the EU after Brexit. International trade secretary Liam Fox said the customs partnership was ‘not compatible’ with Brexit.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 04 May 2018 11:21

Mosque dispute continues

In 2015 the Government refused the appeal of the Anjuman-E-Islahul-Mislimeen Trust against Newham Council’s decision to refuse them planning permission for the development of the largest place of worship in Britain. The court of appeal refused to permit a ‘statutory review’ of that decision, then refused Islamist Tablighi Jammat’s (TJ) last-ditch legal attempt to overturn the injunction against them. By rights TJ should put in a new planning application for mixed use, remove the temporary mosque, and stop using the site as a place of worship. However, TJ are going to the European court of human rights (ECHR) to try to keep alive their dream of a mega-mosque in West Ham. On Saturday 5 May Christians will attend an open-air prayer meeting overlooking the proposed site.

Published in British Isles

Ashers Bakery in Northern Ireland, which was found to have discriminated by refusing to make a ‘gay cake’, had their appeal heard by the supreme court on 1 and 2 May. They challenged the 2014 ruling over their decision not to make a cake iced with the slogan ‘Support Gay Marriage’. Appeal court judges upheld the original decision in 2016. The Christian owners of the bakery argued, ‘We didn't say no because of the customer; we'd served him before, we'd serve him again. It was because of the message. But some people want the law to make us support something with which we disagree.’ Their QC David Scoffield said, ‘They have been penalised by the state for failing to create and provide a product bearing an explicit slogan “Support Gay Marriage”, to which they had an objection of conscience.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 04 May 2018 11:15

Shortage of male teachers

School leaders gathered in Liverpool for their union’s annual conference and voted to support a motion calling for more male teachers in early years education (currently men only make up 3% of the workforce). They agreed that it is important for all children to experience positive male role models, and understand that men can be interested in education, science or reading, just as much as in football. A diverse early years workforce can help children, especially those from deprived backgrounds, to visualise their futures and fulfil their educational potential. The shortfall is partly due to the perceived lack of status and importance this phase of education can have, and the subsequent lower pay such roles can attract.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 04 May 2018 11:13

Pray for Justice event

On Saturday 12 May there will be the first ever ‘Pray for Justice’ event at St. Mark’s Battersea Rise, London. Intercessors from across the UK are being invited to be at the start of a pioneering move of prayer to end slavery. Delegates will go behind the scenes in the International Justice Mission (IJM) immersive prayer rooms, and an undercover investigator will guide people through the scene of a crime, showing them firsthand why IJM do what they do and why it is so vital that people pray to stop crimes like these from happening. They will hear about some of the most unjust situations on this earth, reflect on God's goodness when freedom and justice are restored, and contemplate his word and heart for justice in the new Lectio Divina prayer room. Pray for Justice is more than a prayer gathering: it is an entire community of game-changers across the UK praying for an end to slavery.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 27 April 2018 10:19

Royal baby arrives

On 23 April the Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to a 8lb 7oz son, the new brother for Prince George and Princess Charlotte and the fifth in line to the throne. May God bless Kate, William, and all of their children with love, peace, happiness and health.

Published in Praise Reports