Displaying items by tag: Politics

Wednesday, 01 November 2017 05:36

Pray for Pakistan

Rescue me, O LORD, from evil men; protect me from men of violence, Ps 140:1

Former Prime Minister NAWAZ SHARIF is tearing the country apart. The SupremeCourt wants to bring him and three of his adult children who they feel are guilty back into court.  His wife is in London undergoing cancer surgery; she was planning to run in his place.  Perhaps because of this development, Nawaz has himself returned and forced his way back to being the head of his party.  He wants them to overturn the rules and make it possible for him to once again return to power.

The outcome is that several of the fanatic groups are using this opportunity to rise up.

PRAY- for peace.    Pray that fanatics do not get an opportunity.

VISAS – HOPE – With the new government, some feel there is hope that visas
may be granted.  Thanks for praying.  Please continue to.


America has accused Pakistan of not doing enough to take out the terrorists.  Pakistan says they have been hurt more by terrorists than any other country.  They have lost more militarypersonnel through this war than anyone else.  Even today the Pakistani papers report terrorists killing military (particularly leaders and intelligence personnel), police, and government leaders, especially those who speak out against them.  

On the other side, the government tells of almost daily exploits of taking out terrorist leaders.  It is like an unending war that the evil one is leading to destroy people.

PRAY  People are very tired and afraid of this. Pray for PEACE just PEACE and for
God’s judgment on the ungodly.

PRAISE – Pakistan’s rescue of the American/Canadian family seems to have
opened American eyes to the fact that Pakistan is trying.

PRAISE - Talks are beginning in the next couple of days between American and
Pakistani civil and military officials in the US capital on counterterrorism.

PRAISE - US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson meets in Islamabad on the 24th for
talks on rebuilding ties between the two countries.

PRAISE - In December Defense Secretary James Mattis will travel to Pakistan to
continue the reconciliation process that began with Prime MinistrShahid Abbasi
and US Vice President Mike Pence.

PRAY for these important meetings.  To defeat terrorism, each country needs the

PRAY for the plans of a prayer team that will be going into Pakistan the beginning of next year.


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Wednesday, 01 November 2017 05:34

Hungary: Fears of Soros Influence

"Hungary MP IstvánHollik has come out and stated fears that “George Soros would use his organisation, now the second largest political activist charity in the world, to influence Hungary’s 2018 general election” and “remove Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’sFidesz party from power, tear down the border fence, and implement the “Soros Plan” to flood Europe with one million third-world migrants annually”

Viktor Orban has adamantly resisted the immigration policy of his European neighbors, despite threats of legal action by the EU over quotas. Like Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia have also resisted the mass intake of migrants. These countries have not experienced the same jihad attacks, threats of attacks and mass sexual assaults that other European countries with wide open immigration policies have suffered. But that could possibly change with Soros’ interference:

Soros has a history of interfering in the democratic process of sovereign nations including spending $6 billion to destroy populism in Europe, as well as being accused of interfering in internal politics in Macedonia and Albania.

Should the tide end up shifting in Hungary, forcing it to accept mass migration (unvetted), its fate will resemble that of other European countries. According to a report released earlier in the week, in Britain alone, there are 23,000 jihadists reportedly at large, not 3,000 as previously reported. M15 Director General Andrew Parks warned that the “threat is multi-dimensional, evolving rapidly, and operating at a scale and pace we’ve not seen before …we’ve seen a dramatic upshift in the threat this year. It’s at the highest tempo I’ve seen in my 34-year career.” Parks also warned of a “similar picture across Europe and beyond where we have seen a steady drumbeat of attacks.”

IstvánHollik warns that “seeing what the Soros-funded organisations do, it is not an exaggeration to say that Soros organisations and the Soros plan itself are dangerous.”

“Hungary Fears ‘Soros Influence’ in Election After Open Borders Activist Injects $18bn into Foundation”, by Victoria Friedman, Breitbart, October 20 2017:

George Soros will use his organisation, now the second largest political activist charity in the world, to “influence” Hungary’s 2018 general election, a Hungarian member of parliament has claimed.

IstvánHollik MP fears that Soros would use his Open Society Foundations (OSF) to remove Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’sFidesz party from power, tear down the border fence, and implement the “Soros Plan” to flood Europe with one million third-world migrants annually, reports the Hungarian Times.

The politician, whose Christian Democratic People’s Party (KDNP) is in coalition with the conservative Fidesz, also said that the OSF-backed refugee human rights group Hungarian Helsinki Committee’s legal challenge to the government’s national consultation on the Soros Plan could be “the first step in the campaign”.

Hollik pointed out that Soros’s foundation, which recently received a cash injection after the Hungarian-American speculator transferred $18 billion into the NGO, has been a “generous and intensive” source of money for those “Soros organisations and politicians” who “regularly intervene in Hungarian public life and who try to put pressure on the Hungarian cabinet”, alleges Hollik.

He also accused figures within the European Union of “reporting” on Hungary to the Soros group, saying: “There are politicians in Brussels in their [OSF’s] pockets, through whom [the Soros organisation] is making threats.”
Hungary is under pressure from the EU over the country’s refusal to accept redistributed refugees, its higher education law, and legislation demanding transparency from foreign-funded organisations – the latter two directly affecting Soros interests.

He added that these organisations have been active since the beginning of the migrant crisis and after Orbán prevented further mass flows through his country and into the rest of Europe by building border fences, training more border guards, and detaining migrantswhilst their asylum claims are processed.

 “Seeing what the Soros-funded organisations do, it is not an exaggeration to say that Soros organisations and the Soros plan itself are dangerous,” the Christian Democrat added.

Soros has a history of interfering in the democratic process of sovereign nations including spending $6 billion to destroy populism in Europe, as well as being accused of interfering in internal politics in Macedonia and Albania.

In the United States, Soros attempted to influence local district-attorney elections in 2016 (and again in 2017)……

More at: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2017/10/hungary-fears-soros-influence-could-force-out-orban-open-doors-to-muslim-migrants

Wednesday, 01 November 2017 05:09

Evil Plans for Revolutionary Violence in the USA

"Get ready for the Second Coming of Barack Hussein Obama. THE COMEBACK! Ready or not, Obama will emerge from the shadows that have been sheltering him as ‘Leader of the Resistance’, for a 2-day Global Summit in Chicago, where he floats the hope that young civic leaders gathered for the Summit call will live on to “change the world”.

"Note that Resistance Leader Obama, flush with a $60-million plus book deal and a $1-billion, modern, stone-and-glass complex on Lake Michigan planned as the Obama Presidential Center for a 2021 opening, is not creeping back to the front of the battle lines, but will be strutting across the stage, in full theatrical glory at Chicago’s Hyatt Regency McCormick Place."


"The Obama center is no longer just the dream blueprint of an egomaniac. It is theObamaFoundation, the former president’s 3-year-old nonprofit forglobalchange, that is hosting the global summit onOct. 31 and Nov. 1and bringing to reality, the future site of the Obama Presidential Center in the City of Chicago.

“Expected to be completed in 2021, it will be located in Jackson Park, a space designed by Frederick Law Olmsted. The 500-acre, lakefront park already includes the Museum of Science and Industry, a beach, golf courses and athletic facilities."

Nov. 4th: Progressive/left are boasting as their biggest demonstration to date

Even with Obama’s September video calling on civic youth to come together to “change the world”, and with his inaugural global summit heralding the attendance of the Prince of Wales, comments on some sites promoting the big Chicago global event total zero in their comment sections.

But it’s the timing of the summit that presents the most clear and present danger. The summit will be followed three short days later by what the progressive/left are boasting as their biggest demonstration to date, the one whose hopes ride on FINALLY removing both Donald Trump and Michael Pence from office.

Tom Trento, of theUnited Westsends this warning to the United States: “OnNovember 4, 2017the Marxist Left will attack American cities to destroy President Trump.”

Read read full article with sources here:  http://canadafreepress.com/article/the-big-obama-comeback-to-be-followed-by-the-big-trump-takedown

Let’s pray for the overthrow of these evil plans of globalists to ignite anarchy and revolutionary violence in order to bring down the U.S. government and to create a New World Order.

1. Pray that the "global summit" Obama and his people are planning for Oct 31 to Nov 1 will be a non-event, even a complete bust, and that those participating will see right through him, being repulsed by his noble-sounding but narcissistic and false vision.

2. Let's also pray that groups like Antifa and associated radical leftist groups that are socialist-communist-anarchist in their political stance and who are prepared to use violence to destroy our elected president and government will be stopped (even arrested) and shown up to the American people as being an evil danger to our nation. May they and their philosophy be rejected wholesale by the American people and especially the youth whose support they are courting!

3. Pray that the US government will be effective in forcefully coming against and neutralizing such radical groups and that any plans for violent demonstrations on Nov 4th will be unsuccessful so that any socio-political revolution intended will be quashed by our police and military and so that lives and property will be kept from harm.

4. Behind all of those human actors who are wrong-headed or are planning outright harm and evil there are spiritual forces of darkness that want to use people in these ways. Let's indeed use the Lord's authority to bind Satan and such demonic beings, preventing them from bringing chaos and destruction upon the USA.

Friday, 27 October 2017 10:48

Tory MP accused of McCarthyism over Brexit

In 1947 people suspected of un-American activities were asked by Senator Joe McCarthy, ‘Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?’ Recently, Conservative government whip Chris Heaton Harris asked vice-chancellors for the names of professors who favour Brexit. A number of academics think that the staunch Brexiteer’s letter smacked of McCarthyism when he asked for copies of the syllabus and links to the online lectures which relate to this area. Many believe it contained an implied threat that universities would be challenged for any bias.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 27 October 2017 10:39

Germany’s 2017 Reformation?

31 October 2017 marks 500 years since Martin Luther rebelled against the Catholic Church with his 95 theses - the beginning of the Reformation. Today,Germany is in a tense period politically as Angela Merkel, representing the CDU/CSU ‘party-union’, negotiates a coalition agreement with the FDP and Greens to form a new federal government for the next four years. Meanwhile the political challenges from the EU need her attention. A Watchmen Team International prayer letter request is, ‘As we remember and celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation in Germany, let us continue to pray for a “new reformation” and spiritual revival in Germany and in Europe, and indeed in all our nations.’ Much has been lost in Europe and Germany because of unbelief and rejection of God. We cannot be restored by a political party or ideology: we need humble repentance before God, prayer for His solutions, and faith in His saving power. Let us station ourselves as intercessors on the ramparts like Habakkuk and trust in God’s promises.

Published in Europe
Friday, 27 October 2017 10:12

Colombia: conflict over coca crops

Cultivation of coca, the base ingredient for cocaine, is booming in Colombia. The government tries to slash production by employing hundreds of people and police officers to destroy crops, but armed gangs and drug traffickers oppose them. People have died in recent clashes over coca; others have been injured by landmines laid to scare people away from destroying coca plants. The minister of foreign affairs blamed coca growth on the scheming of drug-trafficking gangs and peasants planting more coca to take advantage of the new substitution initiatives under the peace accords. However, the government should be offering peasant farmers better incentives to grow alternative crops. After 200 years of reforms and many billions of pesos invested, the same inequality in agriculture persists. There is a lack of political will on the part of the state to make the peasant farmers’ economy viable. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 20 October 2017 10:23

Iran: cyberattack on UK Parliament, nuclear deal

In June, Iran was responsible for a ‘brute force’ cyberattack on Parliament lasting over twelve hours. It was initially thought that Russia was behind the attack, but intelligence officials now conclude Iran was responsible. It was Tehran's first significant cyberattack on the UK. Hackers repeatedly probed ‘weak’ passwords of politicians and aides, forcing parliamentary officials to lock MPs out of their own email accounts as they scrambled to minimise the damage. The network affected is used by every MP, including the Prime Minister and her cabinet ministers. Nine thousand email accounts were affected. The revelations come after Britain, Germany, and France tried to keep the nuclear deal with Iran, agreed in 2015, on track after President Trump’s refusal to back it.  Trump stopped short of ripping up the deal, but said that it would be terminated unless measures were taken to ‘toughen it up’. He believes the international community is being ‘naïve’ in its dealings with the regime.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 13 October 2017 12:51

Proposals for new deal with the EU

In a statement to MPs, Theresa May called for a ‘unique and ambitious economic partnership’ with the EU after Brexit. ‘Progress will not always be smooth’, she said, but the UK can ‘prove the doomsayers wrong’. Following her speech in Florence, when she gave assurances on payments to the EU and citizens' rights, she said the ball is now in the EU court. Her statement came as the fifth round of negotiations began in Brussels, the final set of talks before EU leaders meet on 19 October to decide if enough progress has been made to enable them to move forward and talk about post-Brexit trade relations with the UK. Two white papers, covering future trade and customs options, are being published (see next article). Justice minister Dominic Raab said that while the UK had to ‘strive for the very best Brexit outcome’, it must also ‘prepare for all eventualities’. ‘No-deal Brexit planning is under way'.

Published in British Isles
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Friday, 13 October 2017 10:14

Northern Ireland: pray for a better debate

There are reports of a change of tone between the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) and Sinn Féin; however, at present the prospect of a Northern Ireland executive and assembly being re-established remains elusive. The secretary of state has warned that Northern Ireland is on a glide path to the British government stepping in. While ‘stepping in’ remains vague enough to hold off direct rule by British ministers for now, options are running out. Further rounds of budgets will need to be signed off, and key decisions around health, education and capital investment cannot be postponed indefinitely. It is nearly nine months since the executive was brought down.

Published in Europe

Catalonia's drive to separate from Spain is rekindling dreams of independence in ethnic pockets across the Balkans - a dangerous ambition in a region where nationalist violence claimed tens of thousands of lives in the 1990s. Among ethnic Albanians in southern Serbia and the Serbs of Republika Srpska, in the wake of the ‘banned’ Catalan referendum, separatist leaders are asking the same question: ‘Why don't we do the same?’ On the election day, graffiti of Catalan flags appeared several towns in the Serbian province of Vojvodina, along with the claim that ‘Vojvodina = Catalonia’. Meanwhile, in the southern Bosnian town of Mostar, a giant banner appeared near the cathedral showing the flags of Catalonia and Herceg-Bosna, the self-styled Croat entity, reading ‘Good luck. We are the next.’ Local media are saying, ‘The fact that one region (Kosovo) managed to secure independence has emboldened many like-minded leaders in the region’.

Published in Europe