Displaying items by tag: Global

Thursday, 06 April 2023 21:41

Global: objections to COP28 president

Sultan Al Jaber, the CEO of the UAE’s national oil company, Adnoc, has been controversially appointed president of the UN’s COP28 summit in December; campaigners say this makes a mockery of the summit. Adnoc, the world’s 11th biggest oil and gas producer, delivered over a billion barrels of oil equivalent (BBOE) in 2021. Time is running out to end the climate crisis, yet Sultan Al Jaber is overseeing expansion to produce extra oil and gas, equivalent to 7.5bn barrels of oil, the fifth largest increase in the world. 90% would have to remain in the ground to meet the net zero scenario of the International Energy Agency. The UAE has the third largest plans for oil and gas expansion in the world, surpassed only by Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 06 April 2023 21:26

Antarctic: seafloor holds clue to melting ice

Antarctica’s melting ice sheet could retreat much faster than previously thought. Withdrawing glaciers in Antarctica currently retreat by up to 30 metres a day. But if they sped up, the extra melt water would have big implications for sea-level rises globally. Ice losses from Antarctica caused by climate change have already pushed up the surface of the world's oceans by nearly 1 cm since the 1990s. Researchers have been looking at a great swathe of seafloor which twenty thousand years ago was witness to a massive ice sheet in the process of withdrawal and break-up: the maximum retreat was 600+ metres a day. Their research is recorded in this week's edition of the journal Nature. Scientists look into the geological past to tell us what is possible. Satellite records only cover forty years or so. This geological record has actually happened in the real world, not in a computer model world.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 24 March 2023 06:09

World: Cardinals want bishops prosecuted

German Cardinal Gerhard Müller and American Cardinal Raymond Burke want the Vatican to put Germany's Roman Catholic bishops on trial for abandoning church doctrine and approving Church blessings of same-sex unions and weddings between divorced Catholics. Cardinal Mueller wants all German bishops who voted to bless same-sex unions to be held to account, tried, sentenced and then removed from their office if they are not accepting the Catholic doctrine. Cardinal Burke has publicly clashed with Pope Francis before and is seen as the leader of the church's conservative wing. He wants sanctions against the German bishops under the Code of Canon Law. British Anglican Chaplain to the late Queen Elizabeth, Gavin Ashenden, said it isn’t just German Catholic bishops who are revising church doctrine; there was an issue of lack of faith across Europe. Polish and Nordic archbishops are also challenging Germany’s path. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 24 March 2023 06:07

Nomads: Unreached people

There are about 30-40 million Nomads, moving their cattle to find pasture in Africa, Tibetan yak herders, Siberian reindeer herders. Service nomads travel to offer their wares and labour. Gipsies are the most common example. Other nomads travel with funfairs or portable shrines. The Indian Lohar are blacksmiths. Many Gypsies have turned to Christ in Western Europe, yet they are culturally isolated from their fellow believers in settled communities. Pray that the Gospel may dwell in the hearts of nomadic people who have no permanent dwelling. Pray for more labourers to work among them, and for discipleship programs among them, especially ones that will empower indigenous Christians to reach their own people. Pray for Christ to bring peace and understanding between settled peoples and nomads. Pray for nomads to find a way of life that suits the 21st century. Many are isolated from health and education provisions.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 24 March 2023 06:06

Global: Water Conference

From France to Zimbabwe and America to Chile, water shortages drive social and political conflicts. Rich countries can’t ignore it as a poor country's problem. So, between March 22 -24 the UN held its first water conference in 50 years. 6,500 policymakers, NGOs, water experts, and private sector groups attended the wake-up call to action. Water supply and demand is expected to reach 40% in eight years, making life as we know it virtually impossible for millions, possibly billions, of people. Governments and companies were asked to make ambitious commitments to form a ‘Water Action Agenda’. Progress on pledges and targets will be monitored over time, with the hope of significantly reducing the supply-demand gap by 2030. Pray for governments to upgrade ageing infrastructures, effectively fix system leaks, and improve tracking and billing capacities. Pray for the provision of incentives to ramp up research on water stress, and wastewater treatment solutions and develop new technologies.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 24 March 2023 06:05

Global: Plastic rubbish

We’re facing mountains of plastic pollution. 2 billion people have no safe way to dispose of rubbish, and its people in poverty who are suffering the worst impacts of the rubbish problem. They must live and work among piles of waste, which releases toxic fumes, floods communities and causes up to a million deaths annually. During 2023 and 2024, nearly 200 governments are meeting to develop the first-ever global treaty on plastic pollution. But it’s not a done deal, so Christians from six continents are calling people to take bold action and petition their leaders who are responsible for food and rural affairs or the environment, plus all who are negotiating on the plastics treaty - To create an effective, binding plan that holds big polluters to account, reduces plastic production, supports the vital work of waste pickers, and ends the impacts of plastic pollution on people living in poverty. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 17 March 2023 04:51

Global: Migrant crisis

Britain. Europe, the US, and other wealthy countries have a refugee problem. In the past week Mexican officials found over 340 migrants from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Ecuador in an abandoned truck trailer in the state of Veracruz. This included 103 unaccompanied minors. It is one of the biggest recent discoveries of migrant children travelling through Mexico. All appeared unharmed and the trailer had fans and ventilation ports. The driver's whereabouts are unknown. Fleeing Central America’s poverty and violence many migrants end up paying huge sums of cash to people-smugglers to get them across the US border. See A large operation off Italy's coast rescued 1,300 migrants in overcrowded boats near the southern region of Calabria, and two weeks ago73 migrants died in the same region. See UN figures state 103 million people were forcibly displaced around the world in mid-2022. Thirty-seven million were refugees or asylum seekers.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 17 March 2023 04:48

Global: AUKUS Building nuclear submarines

The US, UK and Australia have unveiled details of their plan to create a new fleet of nuclear-powered submarines, aimed at countering China's influence in the Indo-Pacific region. Under the AUKUS pact Australia is to get its first three nuclear-powered submarines from the US. The allies will also work to create a new fleet using cutting-edge tech, including UK-made Rolls-Royce reactors. The deal will create thousands of jobs in the UK's Barrow-in-Furness in Cumbria, Derby and elsewhere. Beijing has strongly criticised the significant naval deal. Its foreign ministry accused the three nations of ‘walking further ‘down the path of error and danger.’ China's UN mission had earlier accused the Western allies of setting back nuclear non-proliferation efforts. Mr Biden said the deal would not jeopardise Australia's commitment to being a nuclear-free country.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 10 March 2023 03:57

International Women’s Day

It was International Women's Day this week to draw attention to how slavery disproportionately affects women and girls and is a huge violation of human rights. One of the many missions working to establish a world where women can know their full potential is the Nomi Network. They categorize modern slavery as bonded labour, domestic servitude, commercial sexual exploitation, and child labour. Poverty and economic marginalisation make women and girls vulnerable to exploitation. Nomi Network creates pathways to safe employment and economic stability, empowering women and girls to break cycles of slavery in their families and communities by:- Training women in life skills and technical skills. Connecting women to jobs with private sector employers and promoting fair labour standards. Creating transparent supply chains with responsible sourcing with ethically-made products. Raising public awareness of human trafficking. The organisation is named after Nomi, an 8-year-old Cambodian who was trafficked by her stepfather and suffered unthinkable abuse. Nomi Network provides a future for thousands of other women and girls like her.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 10 March 2023 03:53

Global: Bribery and corruption

This week, a US judge ordered Swiss mining and commodity giant Glencore to pay US$700 million in a long-running corruption probe. Last year, Glencore pleaded guilty to channelling at least US$100 million in bribes to public officials globally - from Brazil to the DRC, and Nigeria to Venezuela. Glencore negotiated with Brazil, the UK and America to pay up to US$1.1 billion. This week’s sentence confirms the US portion of the coordinated settlement. But it doesn’t address the full scope. There are more populations and individuals who suffered harm from Glencore’s scheme. Pray for a more comprehensive effort to identify and adequately compensate all those affected, particularly the most vulnerable. Meanwhile Indonesia wants guarantees from the UK that they will receive a portion of any future financial settlement resulting from a corruption inquiry into an aircraft manufacturer after Jakarta was excluded from an agreement made with Airbus, even though Indonesia assisted with the investigation.

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