Displaying items by tag: Politics

Friday, 23 March 2018 12:41

Nazanin Radcliffe’s internment

23 March is day 720 of Nazanin Zaghari-Radcliffe’s confinement in Evin prison, nicknamed ‘The Iranian torture factory’. In September she was approved for early release, but Boris Johnson’s comments caused Iranian authorities to believe she was a spy and new charges were made. Her situation became political news, generating a petition of 1.5+ million signatures for her release. Mr Johnson visited Iran ‘to leave no stone unturned’, but an Ayatollah’s fiery Friday sermon described him as a ‘liar and clown’, leading to demonstrations across Iran and the UK. Inside the prison phone calls to and from Nazanin by family were banned and medical visits were cancelled. Just before Christmas, she was told she was ‘eligible for parole.’, but this came to nothing. Nazanin is a Christian suffering post-traumatic stress, being cruelly treated physically and emotionally; pray for her spirit to be strong. See also the article ‘Under Islamism’ in the World section.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 March 2018 12:37

INSIGHT: Russian corruption backstory

In the current climate of Russian conspiracy theories, press conference threats, diplomatic expulsions from countries, with tit for tat accusations and sarcasm between countries, it is difficult to know how to pray or who to pray for, when there are so many people behind the scenes holding very influential positions both at home and abroad. With this in mind, Prayer-Alert has produced an INSIGHT article giving intercessors a backstory that contains the historical roots of corruption in Russia, the names and spheres of authority of administrative individuals in Russia, and Government agencies in the United Kingdom that we can be praying for, with information based on facts not fake news. To read the article please press the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 March 2018 10:16

Guatemala: prayer prompts embassy move

President Morales has announced that the Guatemalan embassy will be moved to Jerusalem in May, just two days after the United States. The president, an outspoken Christian Evangelical, has been publicly supportive of Israel since the beginning of his mandate. After receiving an award recently he said, ‘From the bottom of my heart, I tell you, I don’t feel I deserve this. I’m just trying to do the right thing and allow my God, my people, and history to judge me.’ Vice president Jafeth Cabrera said his country is fulfilling biblical prophecy: ‘Yes, we do share the idea that prophecy is coming to pass. We are pleased that Guatemala is contributing to having that happen, and we hope it will soon be a reality.’ The vice president also said the decision could not have happened without prayer.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 16 March 2018 09:55

Royal visit to Israel

Prince William’s visit to Israel will be an historic and extremely important event for the UK, as he will be the first member of the British royal family to visit Israel in an official capacity. It will take place this summer as Israel celebrates 70 years since independence and as America recognises Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The royal visit signals a significant change of policy at the Foreign Office (which advises about official visits). The Queen has visited 129 different countries, including many of Israel’s neighbours, but never Israel. This royal visit is seen as Britain’s most significant action regarding Israel since Balfour. In the past a few royals have visited Israel, but only on a private basis, never officially.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 March 2018 09:52

Europe: Golden Visa dealers

Unscrupulous business people with close ties to government in countries with higher than average levels of corruption can make huge amounts of money from lucrative public contracts (awarded in processes that aren't exactly competitive). They don’t come under much pressure from activists or NGOs because corrupt politician friends ‘keep them in check’. These ‘business people’ choose to travel and live elsewhere. Many choose Europe. They do not approach their embassy for a Schengen visa. With enough cash, an array of European ‘Golden Visas’ - residence permits or passports - are at their fingertips. There has been a high demand for such documents in the past few years. The Golden Visa market has turned into a multi-billion-euro global phenomenon with price tags varying from country to country - anything from €250,000 to €10 million. Coast or mountains? Real estate or business investment? Recoup your money in five years? Background check? No problem.

Published in Europe
Friday, 16 March 2018 09:26

North Korea: history with US presidents

No US president has ever met a North Korean leader. Madeleine Albright visited North Korea’s Kim Jong Il, but Bill Clinton was unwilling to go unless it was clear what such a meeting could achieve. A meeting with a US president is valuable to the North Koreans, but America has always declined an official visit unless a deal that will deliver a significant return is on the table. President Bush engaged North Korea in the six-party talks (two Koreas, Japan, US, Russia and China), thus avoiding Pyongyang incitements to secure its goal of direct talks. Barack Obama came to power vowing to talk directly to America's enemies, but concluded it was wrong to pander to North Korea's provocations. Trump’s potential visit (or meeting elsewhere) has given North Korea’s dynasty the prestige and propaganda that it craves, and is consistent with Trump's vow to be a disruptive global force, able to unpick one of the world's most intractable conflicts.

Published in Worldwide

Further to last week’s article in the World section about Jerusalem's Holy Sepulchre being closed, this week Archbishop Justin Welby and Cardinal Vincent Nichols called on the Israeli government to protect Jerusalem’s holy sites. A joint letter to the Israeli ambassador expressed their ‘deep concern at the discriminatory taxation of churches in Jerusalem’. Their letter said that the proposed taxes might seriously damage the Christian presence in Jerusalem, Christian families, and the Christian institutions, including hospitals and schools, which serve many of the poorest people, regardless of their background. Their letter continues, ‘These violations of historic agreements risk undermining prospects for peaceful coexistence between communities, at a time of already heightened tensions.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 09 March 2018 10:01

North Korea: breakthrough?

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and US president Donald Trump are to meet in person by May, it has been announced, an extraordinary overture after months of mutual hostility. This news came after South Korean officials had held talks with Mr Trump at the White House. They passed a verbal message from Mr Kim, saying the North Korean leader was ‘committed to denuclearisation’. Mr Trump hailed ‘great progress’ but said sanctions would remain in place. South Korea's President Moon Jae-in said the news was like a miracle. ‘If President Trump and Chairman Kim meet following an inter-Korean summit, complete denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula will be put on the right track in earnest’, he said. China welcomed the development, saying the Korean peninsula issue was ‘heading in the right direction’. However, correspondents say the North has halted missile and nuclear tests during previous talks, only to resume them when it felt it was not getting what it demanded. The dramatic announcement came days after a high-ranking South Korean delegation had met Mr Kim in Pyongyang. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 09 March 2018 09:49

China: unlimited presidency and neighbours

Oh Ei Sun, of the Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute, has said that scrapping the two-term limit on the Chinese presidency will have profound ramifications for the region. But it looks likely to happen, and Asia may have to accept that a more assertive China is here to stay. On 5 March China’s biggest two-week political meeting, Two Seasons, began. Thousands of advisors and legislative deputies will consider the election of state leaders, revising the constitution, and structural reforms. China’s elite members of the National People’s Congress will be there to rubber-stamp the end of two-term-limit of presidents. President Xi Jinping will soon be president for life - which brings cautious optimism regarding the tense situation surrounding North Korea. For when dealing with the most protracted issue - Pyongyang’s repeated attempts at developing nuclear weapons - China has, under Xi, demonstrated flexibility in its foreign policy by taking concrete actions to enforce some of the UN Security Council resolutions sanctioning the Kim regime.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 09 March 2018 09:41

Saudi Arabia: potential for religious freedom

During a three-day visit to the UK Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, has vowed to promote religious freedom. He said this at an hour-long private meeting with the Archbishop of Canterbury on 8 March. Justin Welby described the crown prince as 'cordial and honest' and a statement from Lambeth Palace said the prince had 'made a strong commitment to promote the flourishing of those of different faith traditions and to interfaith dialogue within the kingdom and beyond'. 32-year-old Mohammed bin Salman, considered the presumptive heir to 82-year-old King Salman, is seeking to promote new reforms for Saudi Arabia. During the discussion the Archbishop pressed concerns over restrictions on Christian worship in Saudi Arabia, where converting away from Islam is punishable by death and non-Islamic places of worship are banned.

Published in Worldwide