Displaying items by tag: Politics

Friday, 04 October 2019 08:46

Four power struggles

In North Korea leaders put workers' wages into a government fund used to strengthen defence power, including nuclear development, importing luxury goods, operating the Labour Party, and constructing political achievements. Workers’ complexes are surrounded by barbed wire and under military surveillance, like labour camps. Peru’s power struggle is creating the worst political crisis in decades, with both the president and the vice-president claiming to be the country’s rightful leader, and its congress closed while surrounded by riot police. Peru’s dysfunctional and corruption-ridden political system has courted crisis for years, with three of its past presidents under investigation and one dead after shooting himself during his arrest. In Iraq at least ten are dead and 286 wounded, after riot police fired on thousands of demonstrators against unemployment, government corruption, and poor services. In Cape Town civil unrest and anarchy on the roads is being created by taxi operators displeased by strong-arm police tactics over their reckless driving. See also and and

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 26 September 2019 23:09

Christians comment on Supreme Court's ruling

Christian evangelist David Robertson tweeted, ‘Having read the judgement, it seems to me that the court was right - although the motives of those who brought the case were more to do with stopping Brexit than asserting the sovereignty of the House of Commons - which of course they want to give away.’ Christian blogger Archbishop Cranmer said, ‘If the prorogation was “void and of no effect”, then the Queen's Order was “void and of no effect”, and so the Crown has become subject to the judgments of the Supreme Court. Her Majesty's constitutional powers to advise and warn her Prime Minister, or even “in extremis” to refuse his or her advice, are now subject to the judgments of the Supreme Court. If the Queen wills it, the Supreme Court can un-will it. This is a seismic constitutional shift in the United Kingdom, if not an inglorious revolution.’ Sir Gary Streeter MP, chair of Christians in Parliament, said it was time for a general election.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 26 September 2019 22:30

Government urged to ban pointed domestic knives

A five-year study in Edinburgh found that 94% of sharp instruments used in homicides were kitchen knives. Criminologists, MPs, and religious leaders published an open letter advising the Government to promote safe kitchen knife designs and restrict designs which are used in so many violent acts. They said, ‘The UK has worked for the public good by restricting handguns, paracetamol, smoking in public, and plastic bags - now it is time to say “no bloody point”.’ The Bishop of Tonbridge said that there was never one victim of knife crime: ‘Knife crime rips up the lives of families and friends, piercing the networks that give us life, meaning and support. Knife crime can be reduced if we follow the evidence trail, devote our resources to the right places, share knowledge smartly and value the organising power of local communities. The Church has a role to play, for it is located in most, if not all, places.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 26 September 2019 22:08

Saudi Arabia / Iran: tensions

Tensions between powerful Middle East rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran were catapulted to new levels when drones set two Saudi Arabian oil refineries ablaze on 14 September, resulting in halving the Gulf kingdom’s oil output and cutting world crude oil supplies by over 5%. Yemen’s Houthi rebels claimed responsibility, but the US blamed Iran for the attacks, and will now deploy troops to the region, triggering fears of Saudi retaliation. Any escalation would be dangerous for the entire region. The drone strikes follow a recent pattern: oil tankers, infrastructure and transportation hubs have been attacked, with indications that Iran and its network are responsible. The US ‘maximum pressure’ policy has not halted Iran’s uranium development. President Rouhani said Iran would present a new Gulf peace initiative in the coming days. On 23 September Boris Johnson blamed Iran for attacks on Saudi Arabian oil facilities and declined to rule out military intervention or sanctions: see

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 20 September 2019 10:11

New envoy for freedom of religion

Rehman Chishti MP is to be the new Prime Minister's envoy for freedom of religion and belief. CSW has congratulated him on his appointment, saying, ‘He has always been outspoken on issues relating to freedom of religion or belief, and we look forward to working with him as he takes on this new role.’ Mr Chishti, a Muslim, was previously the vice-chairman of the Conservative party covering faith and communities, and was an outspoken critic of the Government's handling of Aasia Bibi's appeal for asylum. Foreign secretary Dominic Raab said, ‘A staggering 83% of the world's population live in nations where religious freedom is threatened or banned. It is an area where the UK can and must make a difference.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 20 September 2019 10:11

New envoy for freedom of religion

Rehman Chishti MP is to be the new Prime Minister's envoy for freedom of religion and belief. CSW has congratulated him on his appointment, saying, ‘He has always been outspoken on issues relating to freedom of religion or belief, and we look forward to working with him as he takes on this new role.’ Mr Chishti, a Muslim, was previously the vice-chairman of the Conservative party covering faith and communities, and was an outspoken critic of the Government's handling of Aasia Bibi's appeal for asylum. Foreign secretary Dominic Raab said, ‘A staggering 83% of the world's population live in nations where religious freedom is threatened or banned. It is an area where the UK can and must make a difference.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 20 September 2019 09:39

Israel: Judaism’s place in politics

Religious Jewish parties won nearly 20% of the vote in the national election on 17 September. Previously, those parties have united with the conservative Likud party to form a governing coalition. But now the religious-nationalist bloc fell short of a majority in the Knesset, winning only 56 of the 120 seats. Seven decades after Israel’s founding, the debate over Judaism’s place in public life rages on. Israeli political battle lines often fracture along balancing Jewish religion and liberal democracy. These tensions were a central issue in the election, and will influence the composition of Israel’s next government.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 12 September 2019 23:28

ICO investigating collection of personal data

The Information Commissioner's Office is questioning the Government about whether the collection of personal data on its Gov.uk platform complies with data protection laws. This follows a report that Boris Johnson had ordered the website to be used as a platform for ‘targeted and personalised information’ which would feed into Brexit preparations. The privacy rights campaign group Big Brother Watch claims that the report raises questions about ‘the legitimacy, urgency and purpose of such personal tracking’. The Gov.uk website brings together all the government's services, allowing people (for example) to file tax returns, pay for passports, or book driving tests.This development comes a day after the Advertising Standards Authority said that it was following up complaints about a Brexit-related government advertisement.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 12 September 2019 22:32

France: Macron ally corruption probe

The National Assembly president Richard Ferrand, a close ally of President Macron, was put under formal investigation in a financial impropriety case. In a statement on 12 September the assembly said that Ferrand, who denies any wrongdoing, would defend himself and was confident the case would be dropped. The previous day he was questioned at length by investigating judges. The situation is an embarrassment for Macron, and could bring renewed scrutiny to his promise to clean up French politics. Under French law, being put under formal investigation means there is ‘serious or consistent evidence’ that points to probable involvement in a crime. Ferrand was investigated for fraud before, and at that time he resigned as a minister. The latest probe relates, like the previous one, to his management of a health insurance company in Brittany.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 12 September 2019 22:29

Israel: pray for snap elections

Following April’s elections Benjamin Netanyahu failed to form a governing coalition, the first such failure in Israeli history. Snap elections will now be held on 17 September. The polls predict another election result that would make it impossible to form a government. Pray for a breakthrough, asking God to bring about His government for Israel. Claim the words of Isaiah 1:26 for these elections. Let the voters have Your mind, particularly as they weigh up Netanyahu’s plan to annexe 600 square miles of Palestinian territory. May the results bring a government through which You can be glorified, and may every stumbling stone to prevent a godly government be removed. The autumn feasts of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Succoth begin soon. Pray for Jews to be reconnected to their biblical roots and see the King of Israel, their Messiah and Lord.

Published in Worldwide