Displaying items by tag: gang violence

Friday, 31 May 2024 09:48

Haiti: new prime minister announced

On 28 May Garry Conille was appointed as Haiti's new prime minister, following a month-long selection process after Ariel Henry resigned in April. Conille, UNICEF's regional director for Latin America and the Caribbean since January 2023, had previously served as prime minister from October 2011 to May 2012. His appointment comes amid severe gang violence in Port-au-Prince, where gangs have attacked police stations, demolished prisons, and released over 4,000 inmates. Following coordinated gang attacks on 29 February, Port-au-Prince's main airport was out of action for nearly three months. Conille has a background in medicine and public health, contributing to Haiti's reconstruction efforts after the devastating 2010 earthquake. As he assumes office, Haiti is still waiting for the UN-backed deployment of a police force from Kenya and other countries.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 14 March 2024 21:53

Haiti: uncertainty after PM’s resignation

Haiti faces uncertainty after prime minister Ariel Henry's resignation, welcomed by Haitians amid escalating gang violence. Henry, stranded in Puerto Rico, pledged to resign once a transition council and temporary leader were chosen. US officials, after talks in Jamaica, expect the council to be appointed soon. Acting prime minister Michel Boisvert has signalled his willingness to facilitate an orderly transition. Port-au-Prince shows signs of improved security; the streets are quiet and the main cargo port has been reopened, though the airport remains closed. One of Haiti’s largest TV stations has left its headquarters, citing the insecurity. In another potential setback, the plans to deploy Kenyan police officers for a UN-backed security mission are on hold pending a new interim government. Haitians hope for stability as they await a new leadership amidst ongoing challenges.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 20 May 2021 21:18

Guatemala: prison inmates’ gang fight

500 riot police officers entered a prison after a riot broke out at the facility, in the municipality of Cantel. At least seven prisoners were killed in the fight between rival gangs: most of them were beheaded. The prison, 125 miles from the capital, was built to house 500 inmates but has more than 2,000. Police sources told local media one of the inmates had ordered the attack on rival gang members in retaliation for the murder of his wife, who had been shot dead by two men on motorbikes hours earlier. According to the source, this man is serving a sentence for murder. Almost half of the roughly 3,500 violent deaths a year in Guatemala are carried out by gangs.

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