Displaying items by tag: United Kingdom

Friday, 23 March 2018 12:38

Christianity as default gone

Europe’s march towards a post-Christian society has been starkly illustrated by research showing that a majority of young people in a dozen countries are not following any religion. A survey of 16- to 29 year-olds found that in the UK only 7% identify as Anglican and 10% as Catholic. Young Muslims, at 6% and rising, are on the brink of overtaking those who consider themselves part of the country’s established church. The UK figures were partly explained by high immigration - one in five Catholics in the UK was not born in the UK, neither were most of the Muslims. The figures were in a report, Europe’s Young Adults and Religion, by a professor of theology who said, ‘The new default setting for faith in the UK is no religion, and the few who are Christians see themselves as swimming against the tide.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 March 2018 10:14

UK: a call to action

Many intercessors believe we are on the tipping point of a spiritual awakening in the Church, a time to change what we say, do, and pray into God-anointed actions, words, and prayers that bring powerful change to our communities. For anointed talks by Malcolm Duncan at the recent ‘Time 2 Turn’ conference for intercessors, click on the ‘More’ button to download the podcasts. He reminded us that the word of God brings restoration, so we must preach the word faithfully. He said that if God's people do not humble themselves, do not pray by the power of His Spirit, do not seek God's face in every decision, and do not turn from compromising His word, then He will not hear their prayers and will not heal their land. We have entered a season to turn in obedience to life-changing prayers and actions.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 March 2018 10:11

Intercessor Focus: praying for Easter

Easter is a great opportunity for evangelism. Pray for the body of Christ across our nations to recognise every opportunity to talk to the people they meet regularly about Easter’s actual meaning. Pray for each church denomination to be anointed by God to go where He sends them. Pray for a fresh Holy Spirit enabling so that God’s people do all that He has called them to do, and for the Church to use all its resources to impact with power the lives of those who do not yet realise the price Jesus paid for them. May each Easter service be an occasion of supernatural discovery of biblical truths. Pray also for church-based courses and initiatives like Alpha to explode onto the social scene, building influential life-changing bridges in communities not yet touched by Holy Spirit-led evangelism. May the Church see prayer and mission powerfully united, achieving amazing results.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 March 2018 10:08

UK / Russia: international relations

Former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia linger critically ill in a UK hospital after being poisoned by nerve agents developed and produced in Russia. Mrs May said there was ‘no alternative conclusion’ than to believe Russia was ‘culpable’ for the poisonings. Russia called the allegations ‘insane’, while refusing to explain how Russian nerve agents had been used. Putin’s defiance prompted the expulsion of 23 Russian diplomats from the UK. America said Russia’s actions ‘fit a pattern of behaviour whereby Russia disregards international rules-based order, undermines sovereignty and security in countries worldwide, and attempts to subvert and discredit Western democratic institutions and processes.’ Because of a hostile political climate the UK intends to build a new ‘Defence Science and Technology Laboratory’ in Porton Down (where the nerve agent used on the Skripals was identified). The Russian foreign minister said that Russia would expel UK diplomats ‘soon’. Pray for ‘retribution and revenge’ tactics to end. See: and

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 March 2018 10:05

Paedophile priests

An inquiry heard that ‘toothless’ monitoring of convicted paedophile priests meant they were able to continue leading Anglican church services even after being banned from doing so. The inquiry into child sexual abuse was told that Rev Roy Cotton was restricted from public ministry to avoid contact with children, but it was ‘difficult’ to enforce. Fiona Scolding QC, the lead lawyer for the Anglican strand of the inquiry, is examining how the CofE handled allegations of sexual misconduct stretching back to the 1950s, first focusing on the Diocese of Chichester. But the issue is not confined to just one diocese. There have been published reports of systemic problems, a lack of safeguarding, and dysfunctionality.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 March 2018 10:01

Protect Christian belief in schools

In a recent speech, Ofsted claimed that extremists are using religion to pervert education and indoctrinate young people. Singling out the Christian Institute, which was wrongly labelled Anglican, it condemned ideological indoctrination by Christian extremists, and said that schools have a responsibility to ‘tackle those who actively undermine fundamental British values or equalities law’. However, under the Equality Act 2010, religion is listed as a protected characteristic, alongside such things as sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy, age, and race. Ofsted’s apparent prioritisation of LGBT rights over other protected characteristics not only denies this but, by extension, seeks to alter or oppose the law. An Ofsted spokesperson said, ‘We must tackle those who actively undermine fundamental British values or equalities law.’ Ofsted appears to believe that expressing religious belief is not endorsing British values. Pray for parents to continue to have their children educated in line with their own religious and / or philosophical beliefs.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 March 2018 09:59

Mary Magdalene film

The Mary Magdalene film - released in the UK on 16 March - is a biblical film depicting of one of ‘the most misunderstood spiritual figures in history’. Many believe it is a potential awards contender, with the majority of praise being reserved for Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of Jesus Christ. This film presents Mary Magdalene as a young woman who leaves her fishing village on the shore of the Sea of Galilee to join Jesus, who teaches forgiveness and love in his mission to bring about the Kingdom of God. With the disciples she follows Jesus to Jerusalem, where he cleanses the Temple of money lenders, declaring that the Kingdom of God is not to be bought and sold. Fearing that Jesus’s actions will incite a popular insurrection, the authorities arrest and crucify him. Mary goes to the tomb on the third day and sees the risen Christ.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 March 2018 09:55

Royal visit to Israel

Prince William’s visit to Israel will be an historic and extremely important event for the UK, as he will be the first member of the British royal family to visit Israel in an official capacity. It will take place this summer as Israel celebrates 70 years since independence and as America recognises Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The royal visit signals a significant change of policy at the Foreign Office (which advises about official visits). The Queen has visited 129 different countries, including many of Israel’s neighbours, but never Israel. This royal visit is seen as Britain’s most significant action regarding Israel since Balfour. In the past a few royals have visited Israel, but only on a private basis, never officially.

Published in British Isles

A message from Christian Concern and Christian Legal Centre: ‘Voices of the Silenced tells the story of fifteen people who have moved away from homosexual behaviour, showing that people don’t have to be defined by same-sex attraction. The film was to premiere at a West End cinema on 8 February. But pressure from opponents caused its cancellation - and publicity that opponents hadn’t intended. We issued a press release so that the media knew our side of the story, and filmed a peaceful protest outside the cinema at the time the film was due to be shown, which then received thousands of views on social media. Soon we received media requests. Our team appeared on the BBC and radio stations, and was quoted in newspapers and news websites globally. Finally the film was premiered at an alternative venue. So in God’s providence, the film was shown and received far more attention than we could have expected.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 09 March 2018 10:40

Financial education in primary schools

The Just Finance Foundation published a report on the impact of its LifeSavers programme in 30 primary schools across England. It said, ‘Primary school pupils should receive compulsory lessons on how to manage money in response to growing levels of financial insecurity and problem debt in the UK. Learning where money comes from, when to spend, and how to save is vital to children’s ability to navigate adult life and should be a mandatory part of personal, social, health, and economic education in primary schools.’ Currently 40% of UK adults have less than £100 in savings. Difficulties managing money are becoming a mainstream issue. LifeSavers equips children to manage money wisely now and in the future, providing training, support and resources which aid teachers to deliver financial education to all year-groups. It helps set up and manage school savings clubs, and encourages parental and wider community engagement. It says today’s children face the most challenging and complex financial landscape of a generation.

Published in British Isles