Displaying items by tag: South Africa

Thursday, 26 July 2018 21:36

South Africa: taxi drivers’ turf war

Tensions between groups of taxi drivers vying for the same routes can spill into deadly violence in South Africa. Minibus taxis are the most popular form of transport and violence is common between rival groups vying for dominance on profitable routes. On 21 July gunmen opened fire on a minibus carrying members of a taxi drivers’ association, killing 11 people and critically wounding four others. They had attended a colleague’s funeral, and were returning to Johannesburg when the ambush occurred. In May South African media reported the deaths of ten people, in violence related to rivalries among minibus taxi drivers in Cape Town. In April four taxi drivers were shot dead in the war between two rival Johannesburg taxi associations. Those killings were sparked by the murder of one driver the previous week. Pray for common sense to prevail and end the tit-for-tat murders.

Published in Worldwide

Christian leaders are being invited to a meeting in Johannesburg on 5 June to collaborate on a joint Bible-based response on land expropriation without compensation, for submission to a new constitutional review committee. After parliament’s February vote in favour of land expropriation without compensation, this committee was set up to review Section 25 of the constitution and other clauses where necessary, to make it possible for the state to expropriate land in the public interest, without compensation. Following this submission, further stages of the public consultation process will continue; the committee must submit its report by 30 August.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 04 May 2018 10:49

South Africa: car crime crisis

Many lives are being lost in car crimes and road accidents. Road deaths are a national crisis, with 134,000+ killed over 10 years. Vehicle crime hotspots are Johannesburg, Tshwane, Cape Town, and Durban. Cars are hijacked to commit another crime, or exported into neighbouring countries. In spite of 18,900+ police deployed countrywide over Easter to keep road users safe and a road safety campaign, 510 people died between 29 March and 9 April. A motoring magazine reported: ‘South Africans have bad attitudes towards safe road use; education and enforcement will not stop them playing by their own rules. Without a change of attitude among road users and respect for the law, efforts to decrease fatalities and crashes by a noticeable margin will fall flat.’ See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 16 February 2018 09:35

South Africa: God’s ‘process of change’

In January, the voices of a praying and fasting network of Christians across the country stirred God’s heart to reveal some of His plans for the country at the start of the year. One of God’s revelations during this strategic prayer time was that He would accelerate the process of change within the country. On 14 February, President Jacob Zuma resigned, ending weeks of speculation. Cyril Ramaphosa is now the fifth President of democratic South Africa. Pray for the beginning of an honourable era in South African national politics under God’s leadership through Ramaphosa. Pray for the ANC as they face deep structural challenges. Pray also for Mr Zuma’s future to be in God’s hands, whether it is quiet retirement or court appearances. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 09 February 2018 09:43

South Africa: polluted political power

Since the end of apartheid the African National Congress (ANC) has dominated South African politics. The people struggle with 30% unemployment, 55% live below the poverty line, and the 75-year-old president faces serious corruption charges. Amid calls for him to resign, Zuma still has many supporters, including two of the six ANC leaders even though he is no longer the party leader. He is widely blamed for the corruption, misrule and economic stagnation that now afflict the nation. Charges of corruption - always vehemently denied - appear to be catching up with him. Zuma refuses to step down, but opposition parties are discussing the possibility of taking to the streets on 22 February‚ the day of a no confidence vote in parliament.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 02 February 2018 08:47

South Africa: Cape Town water crisis

South Africa has the worst drought in 23 years. Climate change and massive population growth are blamed for the crisis. They are extracting water from underground springs and developing wastewater treatment and better water conservation, but the crisis worsens. By November 2017 schools were urging students to bring water from home, and asking them to attend school in sports gear so that parents do not need to wash two outfits. It is expected that on 12 April taps will be turned off in the Cape Town area, leaving residents to use 200 water collection points. Commercial areas, hospitals and settlements will be exempt. The city is getting tougher on people who stockpile water and unlicensed stores selling drinkable water. A plant to turn seawater into 15 million litres of usable water every day is planned, but it is not built yet. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 08 December 2017 12:50

South Africa’s parliament shaken by prayer

A momentous prayer meeting, likely to have lasting significance, has taken place in South Africa’s parliament. The focus was reconciliation. White people asked forgiveness from blacks, who in turn confessed their sins against the white community. Many were brought to tears during an extended time of prayer and confession. MP Steve Swart confessed the government’s anti-Semitism during World War II, when Jews fleeing the Holocaust were not allowed to disembark in Cape Town. The meeting was held in the parliament’s former main chamber where many discriminatory laws were passed. As Ezra drew people back to God by reading the Law, so South Africa is experiencing restoration in spirit and in truth. People repented of apartheid, inferior education, corrupt laws, detentions, imprisonments, discrimination, tortures and violence. To comprehend the enormity of the meeting, click the ‘More’ link.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 20 October 2017 10:49

South Africa: pray for an end to the drought

South Africa is experiencing a devastating drought in five regions; rain is urgently needed in many other areas. In some areas this drought has been going on for nearly 5 years. Every day farmers watch their livestock dying, fields withering, and harvests going to waste. Visiting these regions and seeing the reality of the situation is traumatic. Jericho Walls have produced prayer guidelines for intercessors to use as they pray for the end of the drought. Congregations and prayer groups all over South Africa have been praying every Sunday, and also in a seven-day 24/7 prayer watch. When disasters occur, God looks for someone to stand in the gap. We can join the intercessors and pray, using the prayer guide at:

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 13 October 2017 09:29

South Africa: Global Leadership Summit 2017

The 2017 Global Leadership Summit (GLS) is a series of two-day leadership training events in October, expected to be attended by 13,000 SA leaders. A hallmark of the GLS has been its ability to deliver a unique blend of vision, inspiration and practical skills that attendees can immediately apply. There are 21 events in 18 cities and towns. This annual summit was founded 22 years ago out of a vision in the heart of Bill Hybels of Willow Creek Church in Chicago to bring the best leadership training to the local church. It has just kept on growing, consistently inspiring church, ministry, business and organisation leaders. During 2017 it will reach 1,375 venues in 128 countries, teaching civility and respect, building resilience, increasing people's creativity and uniqueness, and reinventing performance management and fearless leadership.

Published in Worldwide

Port Elizabeth, South Africa, will have its first Walk For Freedom on 14 October. The walkers will join people in hundreds of other cities across fifty nations, who will be participating in this global anti-human trafficking fundraising and awareness campaign. Between 8am and 12pm people will be dressed in black, walking silently, in single file, in popular locations such as the Eiffel Tower and the Hollywood Walk of Fame. They all have one thing in common: a desire to abolish slavery in a world where millions are enslaved as a result of the $150-billion human trafficking industry.

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