Displaying items by tag: Praise

Thursday, 13 May 2021 21:23

Sadiq Khan impressed by Christian prayers

Sadiq Khan has won another four years as London's mayor. He said in an interview that the church ‘does a lot of good for all Londoners’, and he finds the prayers for him when he visits churches ‘inspiring’. He thanks Christians for their prayers for himself and all our leaders, saying, ‘It is just so inspiring and I'm always struck.’ The former MP also praised churches for their role in social justice, saying, ‘Over the last five years, I've understood just how much our Christian communities contribute to London’s success. I've seen churches stepping up to provide support for lonely Londoners, give support for those sleeping rough, help the homeless and give young people constructive things to do.’ He added that churches are not just helping Christians, they are doing so much good for all Londoners, irrespective of faith, race or background.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 13 May 2021 21:21

Cuban men led to Christ using translation app

James Merritt, pastor of Crosspoint Church in Duluth, met two men, Bartolo and Osmani. Neither of them spoke English - and he didn’t speak Spanish. But, thanks to the Google Translate app, what was supposed to be nothing more than an ad hoc purchase ended up as ‘one of the greatest witnessing experiences I’ve ever had in my life,’ the pastor said. Merritt said he and his wife always keep tracts in our home in both English and Spanish, but he really wanted to engage with the two men in a more meaningful way. That’s when he decided to try the translation app. As they spoke, Osmani learned Merritt was a pastor and decided to call his wife, who is already a Christian, to tell her. His wife then, using the app, asked Merritt to share the Gospel with her husband and Bartolo. That’s exactly what Merritt did, and the two men became Christians.

Published in Praise Reports

Abdel-Nour witnessed violence and humiliation from the Arab rulers of Algeria. ‘I was a racist, I disliked Arabs.’ He fought against the Arabic language forced upon him at school; when his sisters watched Arabic he turned the TV off. Then he met some people from a local church. He said, ‘They did not stop talking about Jesus Christ. I was curious so I went with them to the church. Verses like “Love your enemies” had a big impact on me. I loved God’s Word, this strengthened my faith, and I accepted Christ as the Saviour and Lord of my life. Christ radically changed my life. God loves us as we are, regardless of our nationality and language.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 07 May 2021 10:05

Northern Ireland: finding true peace

At the height of the recent riots in Northern Ireland, Leading The Way launched a social media campaign. ‘After seeing the riots in Belfast, we decided to reach out on social media to young people across the city with these messages of hope from Dr. Youssef, as well as offering a free Finding True Peace booklet.’ The scale of the response was surprising, unexpected - and a huge answer to many prayers! On Facebook, tens of thousands of young people watched the videos. Nearly 400 people visited the Finding True Peace website, which explains how Jesus provides the only hope to people who increasingly need to know the love of God in their lives. On YouTube, over 17,000 people watched the video. 30% were under 24 years of age, and from Northern Ireland. See

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 29 April 2021 21:17

Mission field message

An African proverb says, ‘If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito.’ Jesus said the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed; a very small seed produces a large plant. Most major movements and spiritual awakenings started with one person or a small group. A mission worker who had the opportunity of introducing people to Jesus, then discovered the impact they had on others when he reconnected with a man he led to Christ years ago. The man described family members and co-workers that he had shared the Gospel with who had come to the Lord; his brother had become a Middle East pastor. When we sow the seed of God’s Word it does not return void. If we sow abundantly, we reap abundantly. God is faithful and will honor the little things we say and do in His name.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 29 April 2021 21:15

Help for South Sudan

The EU has joined the United States in sending humanitarian aid to South Sudan. Contributions of more than $145 million will provide food, medical aid, and shelter. World Concern’s Joshua Bundi says the help could not have come at a better time. South Sudan is on the brink of famine thanks to the fallout of several compounded crises. Bundi said. ‘We’ve had the worst flooding in modern history. Over eight million South Sudanese need humanitarian aid to survive another day; half of them are children. Thankfully, hope reigns triumphant in South Sudan.’ The church is meeting the needs of the people and preaching the gospel.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 22 April 2021 22:41

USA: cheers filled city streets

From Minnesota to New York to Florida, Americans triumphantly flooded streets to celebrate and mark the moment when former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin (a white man) was convicted of the murder of George Floyd (a black man). After Floyd allegedly used a counterfeit $20 bill in May 2020, he was seen on video being pinned to the ground by Chauvin's knee for more than nine minutes. After the verdict, in New York a dozen police officers closely followed a group who at one point stopped in the middle of an intersection and knelt down. ‘One conviction is not enough,’ a man said over a loudspeaker as horns honked. Protesters held up signs reading, ‘Justice for George Floyd is no more cop terror’, and ‘This isn’t justice, but it’s a start.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 22 April 2021 22:39

Persistent picketing works

On 16 April Bitter Winter, a magazine on religious liberty and human rights, published the following: ‘His wife’s picket at the Chinese consulate in Almaty got so much attention that the CCP decided to give up, and set her husband free after 17 years of detention. Those who insist that picketing and protesting outside Chinese embassies and consulates is a waste of time were proved wrong in Kazakhstan.’ An amazing Kazakh woman from Xinjiang who had picketed the Chinese consulate in Almaty achieved the return of her husband Rakhizhan Zeinolla. He had been arrested without evidence when he went to Xinjiang from Kazakhstan, and kept in jail for 13 years. Then he was put into a camp, and later was under house arrest.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 22 April 2021 22:35

Abused wife leading Muslims to Christ

Annahita Parsan has led over 1,500 Muslims to Christ. She leads two churches and trains other churches how to reach out to Muslims and disciple Muslim background believers. She believes Jeremiah foretold these days when he said God would restore the fortunes of Elam. Elam is Persia. It's happening now. No one would guess an Iranian woman trying to stay alive in an abusive marriage would one day lead churches, bring over a thousand former Muslims to Christ, and be invited to speak before the Queen of Sweden. As a young woman in a Muslim culture, her journey to Christ led her across two continents and included several brushes with death. Her story could be the plot of a Hollywood movie.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 15 April 2021 22:32

Royal marriage 'rooted in Christ'

John Sentamu, the former archbishop, said, ‘There was an unbelievable depth of Prince Philip’s rootedness in Christ, and Her Majesty is exactly the same. I have not met a couple that are so free.’ He said he had prayed with them both; their prayers were never said aloud, but they would say amen. The royal family are proving they are no ‘different in grief from anybody else. They want to be part of the grieving for the nation, for the many people who died from Covid-19, and for those who have not been able to be present when their loved one is being buried.’ Dr Sentamu joked that Philip would have appreciated his shortened funeral service, because ‘the duke could not stand what he called “long church”'.

Published in Praise Reports