Displaying items by tag: Praise

Friday, 09 September 2022 10:26

Give thanks for the life of Queen Elizabeth II

It was announced on 8 September that the Queen had died following a short illness, attended by all four of her children. She was Britain’s longest reigning sovereign and the world’s oldest monarch. On 6 September she had presided over the ceremonial handover of power to new prime minister Liz Truss at Balmoral, her summer residence. Her oldest son, now King Charles III, said his mother's death was a moment of ‘the greatest sadness for me and all members of my family’. Justin Welby said, ‘As we grieve together, we know that, in losing our beloved Queen, we have lost the person whose steadfast loyalty, service, and humility has helped us make sense of who we are.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 09 September 2022 10:23

China: church member released from jail

Xing Hongwei is a member of China's Early Rain Covenant Church (ERCC). He was arrested in a worship service raid on 14 August and suffered greatly whilst in detention due to his medical condition. He has been freed on bail and enjoyed a celebration meal with his family. Mr Hongwei was originally arrested after more than twenty police officers raided an ERCC church service at a tea shop. Sixty church members were locked inside the building and released only after they provided their identification. Mr Hongwei was arrested because he refused to comply with the authorities' demands. ERCC, which is heavily persecuted, announced Mr Hongwei's release in a prayer request update. His faith became firmer during his time in detention and he jokingly said that he successfully went on a diet, which he could not have achieved if outside.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 09 September 2022 10:21

Pakistan: preaching Christianity ‘not a crime’

The Pakistani Supreme Court has issued a highly significant and welcome ruling, which includes the declaration that the preaching of Christianity ‘is not a crime, nor can it be made into one’. The nine-page ruling is a clear and comprehensive denunciation of the way in which ‘blasphemy’ laws are misused in Pakistan. The court raises issues such as false and malicious accusations, the lack of credible evidence in many cases, and the mob violence with which an accused person is often threatened. One judge said, ‘Many a time false allegations are levelled to settle personal scores, and cases are also registered for mischievous purposes or on account of ulterior motives’.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 01 September 2022 22:00

Headteacher fails to stop school worship

A headteacher attempted to invoke a UN convention to ban singing Christian hymns at a religiously diverse infant school. A third of students at Poulner Infant School have Christian parents, but humanist head Jo Conner believes singing hymns infringes on the 'human rights' of non-Christian students. All schools must provide an opportunity for wholly- or broadly-inclusive Christian worship to promote spiritual development: however, they may apply for an exemption in particular circumstances. Ms Conner sought an exemption, saying Christian hymns were inappropriate as only a third of students were Christian. The advisory council for Religious Education said any parent had a right to withdraw their child from collective worship, but no withdrawals had been recorded and no parents had complained about worship music. They rejected her application.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 01 September 2022 21:58

Young people far more likely to pray

A survey by the Church of England has found that younger people are far more likely to pray than older generations. The rising interest in meditation, spirituality and mindfulness has increased the numbers of those who connect with faith. 1/3rd of 18- to 34-year-olds have prayed in the last month, compared to just 25% of people aged over 55. The younger generation is also more likely to have said a prayer at any time. The Archbishop of York said, ‘As Christians, prayer is the bedrock of our faith and deepens our relationship and understanding with God.’ The survey shows that many people still long for that connection with something and someone beyond themselves. At this time of uncertainty when we face many pressing issues, reaching out in prayer to the God who loves us and longs to be known to us can bring peace and transform lives.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 26 August 2022 10:48

New York Jets follow Jesus' lead

The women, children and elderly fleeing Ukraine are suffering the most, dealing with the trauma from Russia’s ongoing onslaught. In support of what churches in Ukraine and Poland are doing, the New York Jets donated $100,000 towards the work of ‘CityServe Krakow Housing Project’. Their goal is to expand refugee housing in Krakow, Poland. The money will provide safe homes for families which include a kitchen and laundry room, and food and vital necessities. CityServe said it is incredible that a secular organisation should partner with faith-based organisations to see the gospel spread in this war-torn region.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 26 August 2022 10:45

Hope amidst fear

Bible Society staff are taking humanitarian aid and Bibles to cities under heavy attack in Ukraine to provide ‘hope amidst fear’. With local churches they take food, medicines and Bibles to homes and to bomb shelters. In one bomb shelter in a school, people read Psalm 91 day and night. War has brought many changes to Ukraine’s Bible Society but they meet every challenge. Their bookshelves now store medicine, and the team travel off-road in medical convoys to bring Bibles, scripture-based resources, humanitarian aid and pastoral care to the most devastated places. They say, ‘We are sharing living bread and physical bread.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 26 August 2022 10:41

God heals an incurable cancer

Mikhaila’s mother had a rare cancer. The death rate was 100%. Three surgeries failed. A lady who visited her hospital prayed with her, offering hope, and her demeanour changed. She let go of the control she tried to have over the cancer. She was being tube-fed and her faith took over. ‘I’ll be better by our anniversary next month.’ she declared. Mikhaila thought the optimism was due to the morphine. But, a month later, she was better. The 100% cancer fatality rate changed by 100%. No doctor could account for her recovery. Mikhaila and mum discussed the healing proclamation. ‘That’s a weird day and you said it was going to happen a month ago.’ Mikhaila said. ‘How is that possible?’ ‘God’, Mum replied nonchalantly.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 19 August 2022 00:40

Deaf four-year-old healed

A four-year-old boy was able to hear for the first time whilst attending the New Wine festival at the beginning of August. Although he has not been publicly named, crowds rejoiced when being told the news from the festival stage. Rev Kate Wharton, New Wine’s assistant director, said: ‘He was born deaf, but after he was prayed for during the week, he was able to hear for the first time. His mum told this delightful story of him staying awake whispering to his brother all night.’ The festival, held at Peterborough, saw 14,000 people gather to grow in their faith. Due to the pandemic, this was the first live New Wine festival since 2019.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 12 August 2022 11:09

From vengeance to forgiveness

‘People may ask, ‘How is it possible for an Afghan man to become a Christian?’’’ Homayoun, who was once bent on violence and vengeance, is now a pastor. He shared his testimony on SAT-7 PARS live programme Signal, in the hope that God will use his story of transformation to touch the lives and hearts of viewers facing enormous challenges in Afghanistan and Iran today. ‘I grew up in Afghanistan and come from a Muslim background. As I got older, I always had God on my mind, I prayed five times a day and read the Quran. I wanted to know God and I wanted to know the truth, but I never found peace and tranquillity. Eventually I joined the army. I wanted to fight Daesh, the Taliban, or anyone really. But it didn’t work out. God didn’t want me to kill anyone.’ Read Homayoun’s testimony here

Published in Praise Reports