Displaying items by tag: London

Thursday, 15 August 2019 23:50

31 August: day of prayer for GB

Thousands will meet in the SSE Arena at Wembley on 31 August to worship, praise and pray for the Glory of God to fall on Great Britain. The Levites led Israel into battle with music, so praise and worship will set hearts on fire and prayer will bring the Glory of God and release the power of the Holy Spirit, inspiring prayers of faith for His Church and our nation to be revived, restored and renewed. For more information click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 21 June 2019 11:48

Ongoing prayer in London for the nation

On 16 June the Neighbourhood Prayer Network and others encouraged churches in London to join a prayer walk initiative because ‘whatever happens in London affects everyone of us. When we see London in revival, the whole of the UK will follow.’ London Prayer Loop is a step of faith in obedience to God, calling for an end to violence and all that is not in God’s purposes for our capital and our nation. Each of the 24 sections of the London Loop were prayer-walked by the churches. From 21 to 23 June, further prayer will go out on the loop, focussing on whatever God places on people’s hearts, and praying for the well of salvation to be opened and for God’s glory in London. Londoners and people from other parts of the UK will be prayer-walking the loop, and there will be opportunities to meet in the centre of London to pray together.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 21 June 2019 11:37

Richard Ratcliffe - stop the intimidation!

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe is on hunger strike in an Iranian prison. Her husband Richard has joined her hunger strike and is holding his own vigil by staying in a tent outside the Iranian embassy in London. The embassy has now erected metal barriers outside the entrance to the embassy and Richard and his supporters are warned not to touch them. They are protesting over Nazanin’s ‘unfair treatment’ by Iran. Richard will not end his vigil until his wife ends hers. Richard’s supporters said the fencing is an attempt by Iran to ‘scare Richard off’. They tweeted, ‘Appalling behaviour this morning in response to the peaceful hunger strike Richard is undertaking! Moving barriers to block off the tree of hope. We will not be beaten.’ They have called on Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt to demand that the Iran ambassador ‘stop the intimidation’.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 13 June 2019 21:41

Part-time police constables

In what is believed to be a UK policing first, the Metropolitan Police Service has announced that new police constable recruits will be able to join the service in a part-time role from November. They will complete police training part-time, and hit the streets of London part-time.. The new scheme was born out of the Met’s celebrations to recognise the contribution of women to the service over the last 100 years. However, the opportunity is open to both men and women, and it is hoped it will help achieve the Commissioner’s long-term ambition of a police service in which men and women are equally represented. Part-time policing will give the flexibility to balance their work and family life.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 31 May 2019 06:35

Trafalgar Square Beacon Event 9 June 2019

Trafalgar Square will be transformed into a joyful family festival and service. The day is packed with festivities; live performances from acts including worship leader and Grammy award winner Matt Redman and The Kingdom Choir, made famous around the world for a memorable performance of Stand By Me at the wedding of HRH Prince Harry and Ms Meghan Markle last May. There will be something for everyone, from uplifting live music, spoken word, dance, prayer workshops and crafts – to family fun and activities to keep the kids entertained. The Pentecost service will be between 4-6pm with praise, worship, witness, word and prayers. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby will be at this Pentecost celebration and is inviting all in London to take part of a joy filled celebration thanking God for the water of life and committing to be those through whom that water flows into a thirsty world.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 31 May 2019 06:31

D Day Prayers in Parliament Square

Thursday 6 June is a significant day for our nation. This year, we mark the 75th anniversary of D-Day when allied nations came together in a tremendous act of courage, sacrifice and God’s divine intervention – that became the turning point in World War II. It is the day before Prime Minister May resigns, and we can entrust our nation to the hands of God, as we enter the next chapter of our history. Christians believe in the power that comes from heaven when we come together in prayer. We may all have different views, but we can unite in praying for God’s will. ‘Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done’ for the UK. In a mark of solidarity between nations that characterised D-Day, the event will have minority churches lead prayers in Parliament Square, London between 7 and 8 pm on Thursday 6 June, or at other prayer events on the day across the nation.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 11 April 2019 23:18

Passion plays

A thousand years ago, the Church realised how powerful drama could be in communicating gospel truths, and started a tradition of mystery plays, portraying the whole Bible story. Passion plays - focussing on Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection - evolved from these, often using many local community members and seeking to entertain and instruct audiences. This year there will be at least twelve such plays up and down the UK. There is a one-man version, in and around Southampton; at the other end of the scale are the Birmingham Passion Play, with a community cast of nearly 100, starting at the Bullring shopping centre, and the Good Friday performances in Trafalgar Square which might draw 20,000 spectators. Pray for all those taking part in these plays, and for those who are out and about - shopping, on a lunch break, tourists, business people - who might unexpectedly find themselves watching ‘the greatest story ever told’. For more information, see

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 07 March 2019 22:45

Holocaust memorial in Westminster under threat

Plans for a new Holocaust memorial and learning centre in Westminster are currently being strongly opposed. The plans, first announced by David Cameron in 2016, have the backing of every major UK Jewish organisation and 170+ politicians from all political parties. A growing number of people in this country, especially the younger generation, know nothing or very little about the Holocaust, so a vital education centre for that generation risks being lost. The memorial will use 7% of the park, with the education centre underground. Whilst many genuinely oppose the construction without discriminatory motives, there is evidence of anti-Semitism from some opponents. A petition to save the memorial has been posted online, because it ‘could be stopped if we fail to act before the end of March.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 February 2019 22:14

Street preacher arrested

A Twitter video of a street preacher’s arrest in London has been viewed over 1.8 million times. It shows the man confronted by two police officers warning he would be arrested for a breach of the peace if he refuses to leave the area. One said, 'You're disturbing people, you're causing problems, and you're breaching their peace.' The man says, 'I need to tell people Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life’, to which the officer replies, 'I appreciate that, but nobody wants to hear that, they want you to go away’. When the man told his reasons for preaching, they handcuffed him and took his Bible. The preacher said, 'No, no, no, don't take my Bible away!’ It is unclear what he said that triggered the incident. An eyewitness said, ‘This man was preaching and did nothing wrong, he had a hostile person near him.’ He was later released.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 22 February 2019 09:44

London protest on anniversary of Leah's abduction

On 19 February CSW organised a protest outside Nigeria’s high commission in London, commemorating one year since the abduction of Leah Sharibu. 14-year-old Leah was the sole Christian among 110 girls abducted from their school in Dapchi by a Boko Haram offshoot. While all the other classmates were released the next month following government negotiations, Leah was denied her freedom as she refused to convert as a precondition for her freedom. She has been held in captivity ever since. In September 2018, Boko Haram issued a final ultimatum on her life after executing a fellow hostage. She was eventually spared, but only after the group executed another hostage and declared that Leah and an abducted humanitarian named Alice Ngaddah were to be their slaves for life.

Published in British Isles
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