
Displaying items by tag: Europe

Thursday, 15 September 2022 22:17

Russia: media turnaround

Russia’s media have changed tack during the war: denying an invasion would happen, then talking of a ‘special operation’ not an invasion, to praising ‘righteous denazification of Ukraine’. On 5 September pro-Russian bloggers and outlets played down Ukraine’s advance, but the next day there was a more sullen tone from journalists. ‘Don’t expect good news today,’ one source warned. Igor Girkin, who on his popular TV channel analyses troop movement, using open sources and informers on the ground, said, ‘I don’t expect any major success from Russia's army for the next 2-3 months. It will only be possible if the Kremlin stops flying on blue clouds around the planet of pink ponies, and finds the strength to face the truth and start fighting for real.’ Girkin compared the situation to the Russo-Japanese war over Manchuria which humiliated the Russian Empire in 1905.


Published in Europe
Thursday, 15 September 2022 22:05

Armenia / Azerbaijan: border flare-ups

Over a hundred Armenian soldiers are dead after border clashes with Azerbaijan ,which lost fifty of its troops in the worst fighting since 2020. Armenia appealed to world leaders for help after Azerbaijan began advancing on its territory. The conflict between the former Soviet republics is over the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region, which is Azerbaijani territory but populated with ethnic Armenians. Azerbaijan states that ethnic Armenians are illegally occupying its land. 30,000 people died in a 1991 conflict following the collapse of the Soviet Union, and ethnic Armenian separatists broke away from Azerbaijan. The six-week war in 2020 killed 6,500 people and ended with a Russian-brokered truce; Armenia cedied swaths of territory it had controlled for decades. Armenians are mostly Christian with military ties to Russia, while Azerbaijan is a Muslim country with ties to Turkey. On 14 September Armenia said a truce had been agreed but there was no confirmation from Azerbaijan. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 09 September 2022 10:02

Russia: gas pipeline to EU still closed

Russia's gas pipeline to Europe did not reopen, as promised, on 3 September. Gazprom said it could close indefinitely. This is no coincidence. Russia's state-controlled gas giant announced the indefinite halt to gas flows through Europe’s key energy artery hours after leading western finance ministers escalated sanctions on Russian oil. Gazprom's official reason is that an oil leak has been found and the pipeline cannot work without German imports of technology, which are now subject to sanctions. Many believe this is an attempt to blackmail Europe over supplies. This is a very serious development. Even during the height of the Cold War, Russia kept supplies of its gas flowing into Europe. However, this cut-off - and the pointed attempt by Gazprom to blame the German energy giant Siemens for the malfunction - is the culmination of decades of dysfunction in the energy relationship between the two countries.

Published in Europe
Friday, 09 September 2022 09:58

Ukraine: joy and trauma for schoolchildren

379 children have been killed since the war in Ukraine began; 223 are missing; 7,013 children have been forcibly transferred to Russia. Six months of war have damaged 2,400 schools and destroyed 269. Most teenagers are anxious about returning to school. For Mariia Makohin, walking through the college gates was an act of bravery. ‘I was a little bit nervous because I don’t know what Russian terrorists will do nowadays. Every day we have sirens, and I don’t know if they will attack us when we are at school.’ The return to school routine introduced a new ritual: a practice run to the school’s bomb shelter in the basement. In schools across Ukraine, debris has been cleared, blood scrubbed off floors, and repairs made where possible as a generation of shell-shocked children return to their studies. Only half of Ukraine’s schools have reopened, due to extreme risks of bombings.

Published in Europe
Friday, 09 September 2022 09:56

Bosnia: pray for spiritual seekers

Livno is a small town in western Bosnia, an hour-and-a-half from the coastal city of Split, Croatia. Pray for spiritual seekers in Livno. Recently, a worker connected with two potential believers through a social media ministry and started reading the Bible with them. They were excited and wanted to read more until their Catholic priest told them to throw out the ‘Protestant’ Bibles, which they did. Pray that the priest will encourage these seekers to read God's Word from a ‘Catholic’ Bible, and that God will continue to draw them to Himself and to reveal Himself, no matter what version they read. Pray that the worker who was reading with them will be encouraged to continue to walk this journey alongside them. Pray that, ultimately, they will know Jesus and be joined with others in the body of Christ.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 01 September 2022 21:26

Ukraine: UN team inspect Zaporizhzhia

On 1 September, shelling near Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant complex forced a visit by UN experts to be delayed. Earlier, Energoatom said Russian shelling forced the shutdown of one of only two operating reactors, while Moscow said it had thwarted a Ukrainian attempt to seize the plant. There are regular incidents at or near Zaporizhzhya. The plant was recently disconnected from Ukraine's power grid and back-up generators kicked in to supply power after fires damaged overhead power lines, cutting the plant off for the first time in its history. The director of IAEA, Rafael Grossi, said the team had made good progress on the first day of their inspection and would be staying on. Residents near the site were given iodine tablets recently in case of a radiation leak.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 01 September 2022 21:24

Exodus of Russian Jews

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, 20,500 of Russia’s Jews (12.5%) have moved to Israel, where anyone who has at least one Jewish grandparent has the right to citizenship. An estimated 30,000 other dual passport holders have left Russia for Israel since March. Thousands more have moved to other countries. In March Moscow’s former chief rabbi Goldschmidt fled to Israel, where he now lives in exile. He said that the Jewish community was pressured to support the war publicly, but did not want to do so. Many believe the security and future of Russian Jews depends on Israel-Russia relations, which currently are extremely precarious, especially after Israeli premier Yair Lapid condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Lapid also made it clear that the threatened closure of the Russian branch of the Jewish Agency would be a ‘serious event’, potentially endangering bilateral ties.

Published in Europe
Friday, 26 August 2022 10:48

New York Jets follow Jesus' lead

The women, children and elderly fleeing Ukraine are suffering the most, dealing with the trauma from Russia’s ongoing onslaught. In support of what churches in Ukraine and Poland are doing, the New York Jets donated $100,000 towards the work of ‘CityServe Krakow Housing Project’. Their goal is to expand refugee housing in Krakow, Poland. The money will provide safe homes for families which include a kitchen and laundry room, and food and vital necessities. CityServe said it is incredible that a secular organisation should partner with faith-based organisations to see the gospel spread in this war-torn region.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 26 August 2022 10:45

Hope amidst fear

Bible Society staff are taking humanitarian aid and Bibles to cities under heavy attack in Ukraine to provide ‘hope amidst fear’. With local churches they take food, medicines and Bibles to homes and to bomb shelters. In one bomb shelter in a school, people read Psalm 91 day and night. War has brought many changes to Ukraine’s Bible Society but they meet every challenge. Their bookshelves now store medicine, and the team travel off-road in medical convoys to bring Bibles, scripture-based resources, humanitarian aid and pastoral care to the most devastated places. They say, ‘We are sharing living bread and physical bread.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 26 August 2022 10:03

Europe’s drought and cost of living

Rivers drying up and farmland parched: Europe’s water scarcity is affecting lives and businesses. Scientists warn the current European drought could become its worst in over 500 years. Water scarcity has hit 60% of the continent from Italy to the UK. An unusually dry winter and scorching summer heat reduced rivers to rivulets. The historic water reserve lows have forced governments to restrict supplies, seriously affecting many sectors from agriculture to shipping. In July heatwaves shaved 0.5% off Europe’s annual GDP. Wildfires destroyed crops across Italy, Greece, France, and Spain, and energy prices are up because of the war in Ukraine. The Global Commission on Adaptation said an estimated investment of $800m in climate programmes could save poor nations up to $16bn every year.

Published in Europe