Displaying items by tag: USA

Friday, 23 June 2017 11:58

Family forgives murderer

On 15 June Jacob Stockdale, 25, allegedly used a shotgun to kill his mother and younger brother at his family's farm in Ohio. When deputies went to investigate, he shot himself, and is now in a critical condition in hospital. His oldest brother Calvin said: ‘I don't know why Jacob did what he did, but I do know he is my brother; I speak for our family when I say we love him and forgive him. The prayers and support for my family have been deeply appreciated and we ask for continued prayers for Jacob's healing - body, mind, and spirit.’ The reasons for the shooting are not clear. The Stockdale family are members of the Zion Reformed Church, part of the Presbyterian Church in America, The church is now accepting donations to help the family, and already more than half the $40,000 goal has been raised.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 23 June 2017 11:11

Syria: US downs Syrian plane and drone

A US fighter jet has blown up a pro-Syrian regime drone, just two days after the US brought down its first Syrian air force warplane. No matter how much Mr Trump personally hankers after better relations with the Russians, the downing of the Russian-made SU-22 on Sunday night has effectively killed any prospect of Washington and Moscow enjoying a new era of detente. The Russian response has been to threaten any coalition aircraft which enters airspace where its forces operate. Meanwhile, an armed Russian warplane flew within five feet of a US reconnaissance aircraft over the Baltic Sea in what US officials said was a ‘provocative and unsafe’ way. Tensions between the two powers were already running high after a bipartisan group of US Senators last week voted overwhelmingly to pass a bill that expands financial sanctions in retaliation for Russia’s interference in last year’s presidential contest, as well as Moscow’s illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014.

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Friday, 16 June 2017 12:07

Harvest America 2017

Harvest America 2017 was an evangelistic event broadcast live on the Internet with updates posted on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This event, similar to a Billy Graham crusade, used the latest media platforms to give a very straightforward presentation of the gospel. At 5 pm on 11 June Pastor Greg Laurie delivered a gospel message via live satellite from the University of Phoenix Stadium in Arizona. Artists joining him for the free one-day event included ‘The Voice’ sensation Brennley Brown, ‘American Idol’ winner Jordin Sparks and CCM artists NEEDTOBREATHE, MercyMe, Trip Lee and Phil Wickham. There were 38,000 in the stadium, and 2,904 made decisions for Christ. Also, people across the country invited friends into their homes to watch it and then prayed with them. Last year it live-streamed to over 7,200 locations and drew 357,000 participants, with 25,000 people coming to faith.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 16 June 2017 10:49

US president obstructing justice?

President Donald Trump is being investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller for possible obstruction of justice. US media say senior intelligence officials will be interviewed on whether Mr Trump tried to end an inquiry into his sacked national security adviser, and about the firing of FBI chief James Comey in May. Mr Trump's legal team said the latest leak to the media was ‘outrageous’, and the president has repeatedly denied any collusion with Russia, calling the ongoing inquiry a witch-hunt. The Washington Post sees Mr Mueller’s decision as a major turning point in his investigation, which until recently focused on the Russian angle. Mr Comey, who had previously been leading the Russia inquiries, told Congress last week that Mr Trump had pressured him to drop the investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

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Friday, 16 June 2017 10:38

Gulf tensions continue

A ransom paid by Qatar to Iranian Al Qaeda-linked terrorists to secure the release of members of Qatar’s royal family being held hostage is believed to have prompted Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt to sever ties with the tiny but resource-rich emirate, accusing Doha of ‘funding terrorists’. Qatar is home to 10,000 American troops and a major US military base. On 8 June the US and Qatari navies began manoeuvres, just hours after the USA agreed a major warplane sale to the Gulf kingdom, underscoring a military alliance despite Donald Trump's assertion that Doha supports ‘extremism’. It is not clear when the joint naval exercise was arranged. Washington is sending conflicting signals about its position on the diplomatic crisis. Trump expressed support for the Saudi-led allegations against Qatar, but Pentagon and State Department officials have scrambled to reassure the emirate of support and continued sales of F-15 fighters. Meanwhile Turkey has deployed soldiers and military hardware to Qatar, and will train Qatari police. See

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Friday, 09 June 2017 13:01

Encounter with God changed his life

Victor Torres was 12 years old the first time he stabbed a man. Aged 14, he was addicted to heroin. At 18 he was one of New York City's most feared gang leaders and in jail three times. Today he's a leading evangelist who has helped thousands of young people find freedom from drug addiction and gang life. ‘My story is proof that no matter what the circumstances are, no matter how you feel or how negative it looks, redemption is possible,’ Torres told the Gospel Herald. ‘I want people to know that whatever you're facing, whether it's drugs or any other kind of addiction, nothing's too difficult for God.’ Torres' amazing story is the subject of a new film, Victor, based on his autobiography ‘Son of Evil Street’.

Published in Praise Reports

The owner of a Christian T-shirt designer and printer business recently won an appeal case after he objected to printing a pro-LGBT message on an order of T-shirts. Blaine Adamson, managing owner of Hands On Originals, said he and his staff never refuse to do business with someone based on their personal beliefs, but he felt compelled in 2012 to decline to print a message for a gay pride event because it went against his convictions. The Gay and Lesbian Services Organisation promoting the event then filed a discrimination lawsuit against Adamson and his company. The legal action that followed went on for five years. During that time Adamson and his staff remained committed to trusting that God would honour their decision to stand by their convictions. Adamson’s lawyer said after the victorious court case that the law can't force people to express a message in conflict with their deepest convictions.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 19 May 2017 12:25

USA: growing sense of crisis

Escalating events: -President Putin claims to have records of the meeting between Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov and President Trump. -Reports that Trump asked former FBI director James Comey to drop an investigation into the former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s links to Russia. -The White House denies there was ever a Trump/Comey meeting. -Israel emerges as supplying sensitive security intelligence to Trump. -Trump shared the material with Russia. -Trump fired Comey, who was leading investigative links between the Trump campaign and Russia. -The New York Times cited a memo Comey wrote about his meeting with Trump in February. Did the US president try to influence an FBI investigation? Now former prosecutor and FBI director Robert Mueller will oversee an independent inquiry into ‘Russia,/Trump true/fake news’. Democrats and Republicans agree that Mueller ‘has a history of standing up to the White House’. Meanwhile, the Washington Post reports Trump growing increasingly angry with staff; some have turned to impeachment gallows humour, some are contacting consultants and circulating their CVs . See:

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An executive order by President Trump last week fell short of what many had hoped for and drew widespread criticism. ‘The executive order on the whole looks to accomplish very little of substance, against the backdrop of a lot of show,’ said a professor of law and religion. Trump supporters argued that it was a first step in a multistep process that will lead to accomplishing all religious freedom objectives. Trump did nothing to address conflicts between gay rights advocates and Christian bakers or photographers who do not want to provide services for same-sex weddings.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 05 May 2017 10:46

USA: youth suicides and Netflix series

‘13 Reasons Why’ is one of the most talked-about shows on Netflix. Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, is urging Christian parents of teens and church youth ministry leaders to engage in online conversations which explore the questions raised by the series, which follows the story of Hannah who takes her own life after a series of traumatic experiences. Moore said that while he wouldn't want his own children watching it, he believes the controversy surrounding the show might bring some grace-filled moments. ‘If the series shows anything, it is that there are multiple reasons behind the darkness leading to suicide. Maybe this controversy will prompt friends, parents and youth ministers to talk about suicide and give signals to those in trouble that they are not alone and won't be judged if they come forward and seek help.’ For the scale of youth suicides in the USA go to:

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