Displaying items by tag: Lebanon

Friday, 29 June 2018 06:09

Lebanon: Current situation for Christians

Lebanon is the only Arab state not officially Muslim and has the highest proportion of Christians of any Middle East country. Although politically segmented, the constitution attempts to distribute power equally. The president is a Maronite Christian, the prime minister a Sunni Muslim and the speaker of parliament a Shia Muslim. Syrian refugees now comprise a quarter of Lebanon’s population. Some of Lebanon’s Christians can trace their origins as far back as the 5th century. For centuries, Christians have had a strong presence in the country, but a huge influx of Sunni Muslim refugees fleeing Syria is threatening the delicate political balance, bringing violence and complex political dynamics.  Shia militant Islamist group Hezbollah, provides protection for Christian communities against Sunni jihadi groups. Lebanese Christians are a minority group divided between opponents and supporters of Hezbollah and are more vulnerable than at any time in recent history; living in conflict, enduring poverty and facing aggressive Muslim attitudes moulded by years of sectarian divide.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 01 December 2017 10:34

A new day dawning

Over the years Prayer Alert has highlighted prayer requests from ‘Cry Out Now’. Your prayers protected believers and birthed many disciples across Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq. At a recent Cry Out Now prayer conference, a lady at the hotel heard their worship and was drawn to the room. She said she felt that God was there. After some women shared with her, she gave her life to Jesus. They also prayed for a group of believers who were standing on a large map of the region that they came from. Once the prayer time was finished, there were tears on the map. The conference was called Harvest Rain, and during the sessions there was physical rain across Lebanon. Also people working among the Bedouin shared encouraging stories of getting opportunities, for the first time, to share the gospel and pray for the sick.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 30 November 2017 11:31

Uncertainty in Lebanon and the Middle East

Many people from around the world are contacting us to ask about the situation in Lebanon.

Lebanon is living under uncertainty; many people are living in fear and news of an imminent war is the talk of the town. On the 4th of November the Lebanese prime minister surprisingly presented his resignation while in Saudi Arabia. This came as a shock to everyone as no one, not even the president or high officials from his own political party knew about that. This is creating lots of suspicion that he is placed under house arrest in Saudi Arabia and that he is part of a political deal that will be put in effect shortly

The Lebanese president has requested international assistance for the release of the prime minister and while many tried to interfere it is to no avail.

The real problem is the escalating tension between Iran and Saudi Arabia and the fear is that Lebanon will be a proxy nation where the Sunni/ Shiite war will take place (same as what is happening with Yemen)

What about the prophetic role and the destiny of Lebanon? We believe that Lebanon is the door to the Middle East and that it is the place from where Christianity will spread to the whole Middle East. The church of Lebanon is used by God now to bring the gospel to countless number of refugees in the land and many are receiving gospels and are now believers in Jesus Christ who died for their sins.

We are first hand witnesses of God’s movement. This may not be the way we ever envisioned that the gospel will go forth but God’s ways are so different than our ways

Fear is rising and threats are real. Already, one in three people in Lebanon is a refugee and poverty is increasing among the Lebanese so a new war whether it is economic, political or military will be disastrous on the nation.

As far as we are concerned, we are continuing reaching out to people in need, restoring childhood to children and educating the leaders of tomorrow. we are still having several bible studies going on with refugees and we are still working out details of camp rent with the owner trying to put demands on him and trying to work a 6 months contract renewable if we see the situation needing us to stay there. We are also still going into Syria preparing for the return of Syrians there

Prayer requests

- That our prime minister would come back to Lebanon
- That our president will be strong and wise in his dealing with the present threat
- That Lebanon will not be used as a proxy nation for nations to settle their conflict
- That Syrians will go back into their own land safely
- That we will be ready for emergency response if needed
- That hearts will be open to the gospel of peace as it is so much needed now

The nations are in an uproar and the kings of the earth plot against the anointed one, they take their stand and take counsel together against the Lord, but the one who sits on the throne laughs at their rebellion - Psalm 2.

We are very happy to know that you are praying for us, for our nation and for the whole Middle East. Jesus is setting the stage for His return and we can’t but pray: come Lord Jesus Maranatha!

Thank you for your love, your care and your support.

A Lebanese Prayer Leader Friend of IPC

Lebanon has taken in about as many refugees from Syria and the conflict there as there are Lebanese themselves. What a hospitable and kind nation! Let’s pray with these requests sent from one of the intercessors there:

Pray for Lebanon. Here Christians enjoy the freedom to worship, evangelize and express their faith though Lebanon has a small area in the Middle East, and that is what makes Lebanon special. That's why many Christians and non Christians from the neighboring regions are seeking refuge in our small land, including those from non-Christian background. 

We always thought that this is okay despite the differences between us as Christians and them until the war began. 2.5 million refugees came to Lebanon seeking shelter and help from Syria, Iraq and those long-time Palestinians. Now we began to realize the important role Lebanon can offer. However, the problem is that there is not a united CHURCH strategy to guide them and lead them to hear the Good News of salvation, though mainly they come to escape the death and insecure areas where they used to live. If we manage to share the Gospel with a coordinated strategy, there will be a major spiritual  revival here in Lebanon and through out the Middle East, which we lack now. Every church does whatever they want. Please pray for wisdom and vision for the leadership of the CHURCH. 

  • Pray for real revival in Lebanon and the Middle East. May the spirit of the Lord move over and give deep and real repentance to the elected people to accept Jesus Christ.
  • Pray that the Lord raise a new generation of dedicated faithful leaders and pastors to be equipped for the ministry.
  • Pray that Christ’s church moves out in planting new churches in all the region. And those from the underground church be strengthened in the faith.

Pray for the believers to be a blessing to others, especially the refugees. As it happened in the first century, the people of God scattered because of the persecution, but they reached out with the gospel to others. Now close to two million refugee people are in Lebanon because of the war in their country, we pray that the Lord give wisdom and faithfulness to the church in Lebanon to reach out to the refugees and be a blessing to them.

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‘I realised that we are all bearing the cross in different ways, just like Jesus did. It’s a humble reminder of the sacrifice He made for our salvation.’ Iman, a Christian refugee from Iraq, had a crisis of faith when she was driven from her home by militants. But with the help of a church in Lebanon, her trust in Jesus was restored. Iman shared her dramatic story with SAT-7 documentary series From East to West, offering hope and encouragement to other struggling Christians.

Published in Praise Reports
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