Displaying items by tag: Praise

Thursday, 18 April 2024 22:27

Prepare for Pentecost - return to the cross

A recent online World Prayer Centre team prayer watch meeting turned into a significant altar moment about preparing for Pentecost and returning to the Cross. One of the team reminded us to focus again on the cross after Easter. Another teammate, Diana, said that at another online prayer meeting God prompted her to share ‘re-‘ words. She told us that God had shown her that ‘re’- means Ruach Elohim, or Holy Spirit. We realised that all re- words are life-giving. Then the words started to flow: Refresh, Renew, Rebuild, Restore, Reset, Realign, Relationship, Revival … to name a few! All this happened on the first day after the Jewish New Year, a time of new beginnings. So we urge you to return with us to the place of prayer. Remember the cross and all that Jesus did for us. We invite you to speak out the Easter to Pentecost declaration each day. We pray that God will reignite you with Ruach Elohim this Pentecost and that many will be revived to see a spiritual awakening.

Published in Praise Reports

Actor Gary Sinise reflected recently on the power of prayer and his faith journey following the death of his son, McCaleb, from cancer. Sinise, known for his roles in  'Forrest Gump' and 'CSI: NY’,' shares how his family's faith sustained them during their son's illness and eventual passing. Despite their grief, they found solace in prayer and their belief in God. Sinise has called his son a man of great faith, who had a profound impact on those around him, and has emphasised the importance of community and support during times of hardship. His faith has deepened through the experience, and he continues to find strength in prayer and his relationship with God. His story serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of faith in overcoming life's challenges.

Published in Praise Reports

Despite a decline in UK church attendance, the Church of England's recent report reveals signs of growth, particularly in Blackburn, where innovative initiatives are drawing in more children and young people. At St Leonard’s church and school in Balderstone, around sixty people of all ages participated in a creative worship service, collecting natural items to represent the Easter story. This inclusive approach mirrors efforts across the diocese to engage with new worshippers, resulting in a 17% increase in children attending weekly services compared to 2021. The local synod has identified successful strategies for church outreach, including schools ministry and online worship. Over the past five years, more than a hundred new local congregations have emerged, ranging from forest churches to café gatherings, indicating a promising trend of community expansion within the CofE.

Published in Praise Reports

Unite US, led by Tonya Prewett, is spearheading a wave of student baptisms at public universities, beginning with Auburn University and expanding to three other universities, each witnessing hundreds of baptisms. The movement, fuelled by Prewett's vision to address student struggles, saw about 5,000 students at its first event with 200 baptisms. Emphasising follow-up, Unite US collects contact details of baptised students for spiritual support through local churches and ministries. Many participants report transformative experiences, including overcoming depression and addiction. Keynote speakers like Jonathan Pokluda note a rising revival among college students, seeking a deeper, daily faith beyond routine church visits. This revival trend, mirroring the spontaneous Asbury Revival, signifies a profound shift towards personal faith and active community engagement among university students.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 11 April 2024 23:50

From prison to Jesus' mission of second chances

‘Arrested at 8 and abandoned as a child, I turned to crime, leading to an eleven-year sentence at 19. In prison, my cellmate, a devout Christian, introduced me to the Gospel. Eventually, I accepted Jesus, and my faith grew, especially in solitary confinement. Post-release, I faced many hurdles common to the 1.9 million incarcerated in the USA, with over 450,000 re-entering society annually. They have to grapple with problems like finding employment and housing. After my release at 26, I worked minimum-wage jobs, pursued education, and obtained a master's in professional counselling. Now with Prison Fellowship, I long for the redemption of the incarcerated. Despite the stigma and legal barriers hindering re-entry, support and resources are crucial for successful reintegration. Churches and organisations can play a vital role, as they did in my life, offering practical and spiritual support. My journey reflects the transformative potential of faith and community in offering a second chance to those who have been in prison.’

Published in Praise Reports

Following a theft at St Matthew's Church, Burnley, Fr Alex Frost has appealed to those in financial distress to seek help rather than resorting to crime. On 15 March, during a choir rehearsal, a thief entered the unlocked church and stole around £1,000-worth of items, including a watch and charity donations. The incident prompted the church to issue a statement urging visitors to protect their belongings and warning that criminal acts will lead to prosecution. Fr Frost emphasised the church's willingness to assist those in need and discouraged speculation about the thief's identity. Saddened by the event, especially as the suspect might have been a previous aid recipient of the church, Fr Frost spoke of the desperation behind such actions and encouraged anyone struggling to reach out for support, promising guidance and assistance. In a compassionate note to the thief, he also expressed hope for their rehabilitation.

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'Revival on the Border,' led by Pastor Tony Suarez, surpassed its target, drawing about 9,000 people to Christian revival events in El Paso and McAllen, Texas. Initially aiming for 5,000 attendees, these late March gatherings included prayer, tent meetings, and nearly 70 baptisms. The nightly events were unexpectedly peaceful, and Border Patrol agents actively participated, requesting prayers. A 'prayer army' ministered across the US border, distributing Bibles and prayers. Impressed by the faith of the agents, Suarez's team found a tranquil atmosphere, contrary to national headlines. He plans to continue this expansive evangelical initiative. See

Published in Praise Reports

'The Blind,' a film detailing 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson's journey from alcohol addiction to redemption, has profoundly influenced thousands, his daughter-in-law Korie Robertson reports. The film explores Phil's tumultuous life, marked by anger, addiction, and instability, until his transformative surrender to Jesus. Its raw honesty showcases the Robertson family's struggles and triumphs, emphasising God's steadfast faithfulness. The impact has been significant, with many viewers experiencing spiritual awakenings, overcoming personal demons, and mending relationships. Numerous baptisms have taken place, some in the river behind Phil's home, a testament to his ongoing dedication to faith. Through many challenges, the family has remained steadfast in their Christian beliefs, drawing strength from their faith and community. Committed to promoting adoption and foster care, Korie and her daughter Sadie will speak at The Chosen conference, reflecting their dedication to family and faith.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 28 March 2024 23:02

‘How great thou art’

Celebrating its 75th anniversary, the classic hymn 'How great thou art' has been revitalised by worship leader Matt Redman and an ensemble of renowned Christian musicians. This contemporary remix showcases the song's enduring appeal in Christian communities. Redman, in his interview with CBN News, reflected on the hymn's widespread impact, especially its growth after being featured in Billy Graham crusades. He believes its timeless nature stems from its narrative, spanning from creation to the cross, offering a blend of education and inspiration. Redman revealed the English lyrics were written by British missionary Stuart Hine in Ukraine, adding historical depth. This hymn is a traditional Swedish hymn, spread across Europe by Swedish missionaries. With the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, proceeds from this new version will support humanitarian efforts in eastern Europe. This 2024 rendition also introduces a new section designed to resonate with Christians in today's tumultuous world. Redman has praised the collective effort of the artists involved, bringing new life to this beloved hymn.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 21 March 2024 22:00

Jesus’ three promises on Palm Sunday

In a world of chaos and declining faith in institutions, Jesus' Palm Sunday message offers a distinct form of peace, contrasting with society's inclination towards temporary fixes like drugs and materialism. Amidst personal trials and imminent crucifixion, he highlighted three crucial aspects of peace. 1) Peace with God: through his death and resurrection, Jesus created a way to reconcile humanity with God, fulfilling his primary mission of establishing peace between mankind and the divine, as Paul articulates in Romans. 2) The peace of God: Jesus advised his followers to focus on noble and truthful thoughts, cultivating a mental discipline rooted in faith. This mindset fosters God’s peace, allowing believers to experience tranquillity despite life’s challenges. 3) The peace of the future: the Bible foretells a future era of remarkable peace following Jesus’ return, where harmony will prevail as prophesied in Isaiah. The ‘peace that surpasses human understanding’ provides comfort and hope in tumultuous times.

Published in Praise Reports